The Daily Post introduces Photography 101 series

The Daily Post blog which I mentioned a few times before has started yet another rather useful thingy – a series of posts on how to become a better photographer.  Here is the first post, and it’s rather good.  There are not too lengthy explanations, bullet point summaries, and, of course, excellent images.

There are several common misconceptions about photography: it’s about art, it’s about light, it’s about subject. All of those things are true, but even before all of that, it’s about people and psychology. (Even photographs that have no people in them!) The photographer makes an interpretation of the scene/subject; on the other end, the viewer makes another interpretation. The very best photographs and photographers convey their ideas cleanly to the end viewer, while still leaving room for imaginative interpretation. This means that to make a good image, you need to be able to recognize one.

Back when photography was one of my primary hobbies, I read a lot of articles, books, and forums.  Writing like that is rare.  Simple, yet concise language.  It’s almost like someone is just talking to you.

GitHub : new look

GitHub blog announced a new look and navigation for the programmers’ best friend.  Have a look at some of the screenshots, say “WOW!” and rush back to your repositories, looking for the magic “Enable Repository Next” button.

GitHub : new look


This being a big change and GitHub being such a crucial daily tool for so many people, the changes will be rolled out slowly.  So you might need a bit of luck or time to see it right now.  Gladly, my repositories do have the feature, and once switched to, they do look better.  Navigation is simpler indeed, but will need a little getting used to, as I have it in the muscle memory by now.  I also like a tiny bit of more color added, as the white and lightly not white were slightly disorienting after long coding and merging hours.

To the GitHub team: thank you guys, you are awesome! Please keep doing what you are doing – it’s obviously working.

SupermarketCy – online supermarket in Cyprus

SupermarketCy – online supermarket in Cyprus

The idea of online supermarket is super old.  I remember one of the companies I worked for back in 1999 was trying to pull this off.  But for this or that reason, it never happened.  I am glad that someone finally succeeded.

P.S.: Too bad they mostly cover Nicosia area currently, but hopefully that’s only an issue of time.