Sex Drive

Sex Drive

Just watched “Sex Drive“.   The ruder, cruder, nuder, unrated version of it.  While I’m not a big fan of teenager movies – I guess I am a bit out of that age now – I still had a blast watching this one.  It has everything a teenager should have and then some more – lots of hot naked chicks and parties, jokes, a bit of romance, a road trip and adventures.

I have to separately compliment this film on the humor part.  While there were plenty of little silly things spread across the film, a few things were quite funny.  I mean, I had to control my out loud laugh at three o’clock in the morning.  That was something.

Also, an extra bonus for not having any drugs in this movie.  Actually, it’s quite surprising for a teenager movie these days not to have any at all.  I mean there was a drunk girl in there, but not more than that.  I think that’s cool – there’s enough crap out there already to keep promoting it.  (And yes, with drugs in kids movies – that’s promotion).

Overall rating – 4 stars.  Pretty good stuff.

Every Which Way But Loose

Every  which way  but  loose

Clint Eastwood has been directing too many dramas recently, so I thought I’d dig out something from the years long gone, something where he acted one of his superman roles.  “Every Which Way But Loose” is one of those films.

Now, I don’t have much to compare this film to, because it’s from the year 1978, and I was only born in 1978.  But it has more packed into it than most of the action films I’ve seen during my childhood – fist fights, biker gangs, corrupt police, exotic animals, car chases, and a true friendship and a true love with a broken heart.

Of course, now this film looks way aged and most of the special effects cause no reaction but a smile.  But if I saw this in the 80’s, I guess I’d be all over this film.  And even in these modern days, I’ll give it a 4 stars rating.  Not bad at all.

Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinosaurs

Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinosaurs

Just came back from the cinema, where Maxim and I watched “Ice Age : Dawn of the Dinasours” – the third film of the series.

While we had good time and enjoyed it, there is nothing much I can say about this part – same good animation, some new characters and some old ones, A light story, a few good morales about family and friendship values.  It’s a work of good quality, but without much of a spark to it.  Recommended for family selection and kids.

Overall rating – 4 stars, good.

Eagle Eye

Eagle Eye

I watched “Eagle Eye” recently.  I haven’t seen the trailer and the rough plot descriptions that I have seen around were way too vague, so I didn’t really know what to expect of it.  Once I saw it, I realized that the plot is indeed difficult to describe without spoiling it for those who haven’t seen it.  On the other hand, the covers are open pretty early in the film, so I wouldn’t felt robbed if someone told the truth.

If you don’t want to get any spoilers, stop reading here.  Maybe fast-forward to the last paragraph or so.  For the rest of you – the film is a bit too far fetched conspiracy of the computer going crazy.  It has all the attributes of any other conspiracy film – innocent victims, dictator’s plot for the greater good, lots of secrecy, lots of car chases and shooting, and a few federal agents.  The only difference here is that it’s not a human or an organization, but a supercomputer going nuts.

I think we’ve all seen films with computers going crazy.  These films had their time and place, except maybe for last one, which can still make it through.  I’m talking about the Terminator, of course.  Everything else should die off as an IT legacy.  Three year old kids these days know how to use a computer.  You can find one in absolutely every non-government office which has electricity.  Millions of people are connected to the Internet, have very sophisticated mobile phones, and have seen films about insane computers.  It’s just not working any more.

And I think that’s about the only thing that was bad in this film – the story.  Other than that, it was pretty good.  There are quite a few well-known people.  There are plenty of special effects.  There is enough suspense and drama.  And even something to listen to while everything moves, shoots, thinks, and explodes.

My overall rating is 4 stars.

State of Play

State of Play

Went to see “State of Play” in the cinema.  I am a fan of conspiracy movies, and the trailer was good too.  And I wasn’t disappointed at all.  In fact, the film was even better than I expected.

While there was some action and some special effects, the core of the film is the dramatic story.  And the story is about people, friendship, ethics, and passion.

When I was watching the trailer, I though that it would be nice to see Ben Affleck and Russel Crowe in the same movie.  However, that wasn’t so nice.  Because there’s way too much contrast.  Ben Affleck, even though a popular actor, has very few things to offer except to his charm.  Russle Crowe on the other hand is an actor.  Who has the charm also.  Putting them next to each other highlights in a very brutal way the huge difference in their acting potential.

Anyhow, I really enjoyed the movie and even now, a few days later, I keep playing back some scenes of it in my mind.  4 stars.