Funny People

Funny People

Just got back from the cinema, where I watched “Funny People“.  When I saw the trailer, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see this film or not.  There were a funny scenes, but it looked like a cliché, more or less.   But then I saw a 7.3/10 rating at IMDB and decided that I want to see that.

The film turned out to be quite good.  It’s not really a comedy in the sense that you’d expect from the title, poster, and trailer.  It’s more of a drama with a few funny bits in it.   And while it does follow a sort of cliché story, it does it in an interesting way.  The best to describe it I guess, is with a bad racing car analogy – you can see the track and you sort of know where the car will go, but it still surprises you with its dynamics and by getting off the track at a few turns.  Except that the film is actually good.  You sort of know how it will end and how you’ll get there, but there are a few things which come slower or faster than you’d expect.

All in all, it was a kind, thought provoking, and at times quite funny movie.  Recommended, with 4 stars.  And if you want to see the trailer, here it is:




I’ve finally finished watching all three seasons of “Deadwood” series.  As with most other HBO series, this one is very very good.  There are interesting characters, acting, setup, decorations, and such.  Many would appreciate the amount of swearing and naked women, considering the rough location and times of the events.

Personally, I would prefer to see much more violence and action.  Also, I think the most bright characters weren’t given enough screen time or appropriate matter to deal with.  And there were too much of secondary characters who were crowding the episodes.

However, still a good piece of entertainment which would help you to learn a few words and phrases that you wouldn’t use very often.  An overall of 4 stars from me.

Demolition Man

Demolition Man

Demolition Man” was on TV yesterday.  It’s an old movie and I’ve seen it a few times before, but it’s good to watch some films from the past once in a while to see how well they age.  This one is actually still looking pretty good.  There is an engaging story, plenty of shooting, and lots of comedy.  Plus, the fact that it’s all about the future (as seen in 1993), and the future that we can see quite clear from today, makes it even funnier.

Overall, pretty good entertainment – 4 stars.

An American Crime

An American Crime

Just watched “An American Crime“.  It is a very powerful drama about a famous case of child mistreat and murder in the US back in 1960’s.  I haven’t heard about this film until I actually got my hands on it, and once I checked the plot summary on IMDB, I wasn’t in a hurry to watch it.  Such films are usually either too detailed on the horror or too dramatic and emotional.  Either way, that was promising to be hard.  And for that I need a special mood.

I think it took me more than two weeks to prepare.  And to run out of other options.  So today I finally watched it.  And I am now really glad that I did.

While the film is truly sad and dramatic, it does not speculate on the feelings.  Instead, it tries to explain what happened from a few points of view.  It does not excuse the horrible behavior, but it provides enough insight on why and how the horrible thing happened.  And it does so without taking focus away from the victim of the crime.

Technically, the film is quite engaging as well.  It creates an authentic feeling of the time and sets the whole atmosphere slowly, detail by detail.  Also, children should be mentioned separately.  They are what puts this film above many others.  Most of the main characters in the film are children – from very young to teenagers.  All of them have quite a serious part to play – no joking or kidding around.  And all of them do it nicely.  The serious attitude of these children towards the movie is passed on into the film and towards the audience.  Very well done.

Overall rating – 4 stars.  A must see.



Just watched “The Matador“, which turned out to be an entertaining movie.  It’s one of those few films which switches back and forward all the time.  The moment you think that this is going to be a spy movie, the spy atmosphere disappears.  Then you assume it’ll have some action, and all action is gone.  Then you start seeing drama in it, and the moment you realize that, the drama changes into comedy.  But the second you smile wide for a joke, the jokes are gone and the film goes into something else.  The story twists, the genre changes, the tempo swings back and side.  And that all makes it interesting to watch.

Technically, it’s done nicely.  There are only a few characters and they are played well.  Directing is nice.  Camera is nice.  Sound score is nice.  There is nothing there which is exceptional or amazing, but whatever is there is of a good quality and fits nicely with the rest of the parts.

Overall rating, 4 stars.  Solid good.