Popcorn Time comes to Android

Lifehacker reports some good news for movie loving owners of Android devices:

Movie streaming service Popcorn Time has had some trouble staying in business (for obvious reasons), but it’s back on Android with a free, open source app that streams movies directly to your device.P

The service works by downloading torrents in the background while you watch. As with any service like this, both legal films as well as illegal, copyrighted movies show up, so it’s up to you to decide how you use it. Unlike the web-based versions of the last couple months, though, it won’t be as easy to pull the plug on an open source app.

Here is the direct link to Popcorn Time on Google Play Store.

Burying the URL

Burying the URL

Today, a Canary build of Google Chrome removed something kind of important from the browser: the URL.


Facebook today announced AppLinks, a documented standard for app-to-app linking that has the backing of other big names like Dropbox and Pinterest. While Google is taking the web out of the browser, Facebook is putting the web into apps.

Interesting …