Validating JSON against schema in PHP

GitHub was rather slow yesterday, which affected the speed of installing composer dependencies (since most of them are hosted on GitHub anyway).  Staring at a slowly scrolling list of installed dependencies, I noticed something interesting.

  - Installing seld/jsonlint (1.6.0)
  - Installing justinrainbow/json-schema (5.1.0)

Of course, I’ve heard of the seld/jsonlint before.  It’s a port of zaach/jsonlint JavaScript tool to PHP, written by Jordi Boggiano, aka Seldaek, the genius who brought us composer dependency manager and repository.

But JSON schema? What’s that?

The last time I heard the word “schema” in a non-database context, it was in the XML domain.  And I hate XML with passion.  It’s ugly and horrible and should die a quick death.  The sooner, the better.

But with all its ugliness, XML has does something right – it allows the schema definition, against which the XML file can be validated later.

Can I have the same with JSON?  Well, apparently, yes!

justinrainbow/json-schema package allows one to define a schema for what’s allowed in the JSON file, and than validate against it.  And even more than that – it supports both required values and default values too.

Seeing the package being installed right next to something by Seldaek, I figured, composer might be using it already.  A quick look in the repository confirmed my suspicion.  Composer documentation provides more information, and links to an even more helpful

Mind.  Officially.  Blown.

At work, we use a whole lot of configuration files for many of our projects.  Those files which are intended for tech-savvy users, are usually in JSON or PHP format, without much validation attached to them.   Those files which are for non-technical users, usually rely on even simpler formats like INI and CSV.  I see this all changing and improving soon.

But before any of that happens, I need to play around with these amazing tools.  Here’s a quick first look that I did:

  1. Install the JSON validator: composer require justinrainbow/json-schema
  2. Create an example config.json file that I will be validating.
  3. Create a simple schema.json file that defines what is valid.
  4. Create a simple index.php file to tie it altogether, mostly just coping code from the documentation.

My config.json file looks like this:

	"blah": "foobar",
	"foo": "bar"

My schema.json file looks like this:

	"type": "object",
	"properties": {
		"blah": {
			"type": "string"
		"version": {
			"type": "string",
			"default": "v1.0.0"

And, finally, my index.php file looks like this:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use JsonSchema\Validator;
use JsonSchema\Constraints\Constraint;

$config = json_decode(file_get_contents('config.json'));
$validator = new Validator; $validator->validate(
	(object)['$ref' => 'file://' . realpath('schema.json')],

if ($validator->isValid()) {
	echo "JSON validates OK\n";
} else {
	echo "JSON validation errors:\n";
	foreach ($validator->getErrors() as $error) {

print "\nResulting config:\n";

When I run it, I get the following output:

$ php index.php 
JSON validates OK

Resulting config:
stdClass Object
    [blah] => foobar
    [foo] => bar
    [version] => v1.0.0

What if I change my config.json to have something invalid, like an integer instead of a string?

	"blah": 1,
	"foo": "bar"

The validation fails with a helpful information:

$ php index.php 
JSON validation errors:
    [property] => blah
    [pointer] => /blah
    [message] => Integer value found, but a string is required
    [constraint] => type

Resulting config:
stdClass Object
    [blah] => 1
    [foo] => bar
    [version] => v1.0.0

This is great. Maybe even beyond great!

The possibilities here are endless.  First of all, we can obviously validate the configuration files.  Secondly, we can automatically generate the documentation for the supported configuration options and values.  It’s probably not going to be super fantastic at first, but it will cover ALL supported cases and will always be up-to-date.  Thirdly, this whole thing can be taken to the next level very easily, since the schema files are JSON themselves, which means schema’s can be generated on the fly.

For example, in our projects, we allow the admin/developer to specify which database field of a table is used as display field (in links and such).  Only existing database fields should be allowed.  So, we can generate the schema with available fields on project deployment, and then validate the user configuration against his particular database setup.

There are probably even better ways to utilize all this, but I’ll have to think about it, which is not easy with the mind blown…

Update (March 16, 2017): also have a look at some alternative JSON Schema validators.  JSON Guard might be a slightly better option.

My lightbulb moment with modular design

Cameron Lock, of Yammer fame, describes the complexities involved that led her and the team to a simpler, more modular approach to the mobile application design.  The most important bit after grouping everything into modules, practically, I think, is this:

We stopped defining margins between modules. Instead, all the spacing in the app would come from padding within the modules — specifically, top padding. Bottom padding would have worked, too; just not both. The key is to choose one of the two and stick with it.

awless – a Mighty CLI for AWS

awless is a command line interface to the Amazon AWS.  While Amazon AWS already has its own set of tools for command line interface, awless makes things even simpler, with the following features:

  • run frequent actions by using simple commands
  • easily explore your infrastructure and cloud resources inter relations via CLI
  • ensure smart defaults & security best practices
  • manage resources through robust runnable & scriptable templates (see awless templates)
  • explore, analyse and query your infrastructure offline
  • explore, analyse and query your infrastructure through time

How To Use Git to Manage your User Configuration Files

There is probably a gadzillion different ways that you can manage and synchronize you configuration files (aka dotfiles) between different Linux/UNIX boxes – anything from custom symlink scripts, all the way to configuration management tools like Puppet and Ansible.  Here are a few options to look at if you are not doing it already.

Personally, I’m using Ansible and I’m quite happy with it, as it allows me to have multiple playbooks (base configuration, desktop configuration, development setup, etc), and do more things than just manage my configuration files (install packages and tools that I often need, setup correct permissions, and more).

Recently, I came across this tutorial from Digital Ocean on how to manage your configuration files with git.  Again, there are a few options discussed in there, as even with git, there’s more than one way to do it (TMTOWTDI).

The one that I’ve heard about a long time ago, but completely forgot, and which I think is quite elegant is the approach of separating the working directory from the git repository:

Now, we do things a bit differently. We will start by specifying a different working directory using the core.worktree git configuration option:

git config core.worktree "../../"

What this does is establish the working directory relative to the path of the .git directory. The first ../refers to the ~/configs directory, and the second one points us one step beyond that to our home directory.

Basically, we’ve told git “keep the repository here, but the files you are managing are two levels above the repo”.

I guess, if you stick purely to git, you can offload some of the additional processing, such as permission changes and package installation, into one of the git hooks.  Something like post-checkout or post-merge.