Bootstrapping the Industrial Age

Bootstrapping the Industrial Age

Let’s take a very sophisticated item: one web page. A web page relies on perhaps a hundred thousand other inventions, all needed for its birth and continued existence. There is no web page anywhere without the inventions of HTML code, without computer programming, without LEDs or cathode ray tubes, without solid state computer chips, without telephone lines, without long-distance signal repeaters, without electrical generators, without high-speed turbines, without stainless steel, iron smelters, and control of fire. None of these concrete inventions would exist without the elemental inventions of writing, of an alphabet, of hypertext links, of indexes, catalogs, archives, libraries and the scientific method itself. To recapitulate a web page you have to re-create all these other functions. You might as well remake modern society.

Happy 10th birthday, WordPress!

Today is the WordPress Day.  Thousands and thousands of people gather in hundreds of cities and towns all over the world to celebrate WordPress’s 10th birthday.  In 10 years, WordPress went from just another PHP application for bloggers to a feature-rich platform that runs a huge chunk of the Web.  WordPress came a long way, grew and matured.  As did the community (of which I am a proud member) that developed, designed, translated, documented, optimized, argued, sponsored, tested, troubleshooted, and generally improved the system in so many different ways.

wordpress 10 years old

A big thank you goes to each and everyone involved in, Auttomatic and all those gadzillion projects.  But, I also want to specially thank Matt Mullenweg, without who, I think WordPress wouldn’t be the same, if it would be at all.  Thanks man, you are an inspiration to many.  Keep it up and happy birthday.

P.S.: As I was writing this post, I realized that there was no meetup organized in Limassol, so, albeit with a very short notice, let’s get together and have a pint at Alio Olio after work.  I’ll be there from around 5:30 until whatever.  Here is a quick link to Meetup event.