Day in brief – 2011-10-11

  • Illegal To Take a Photo In a Shopping Center? – Slashdot #
  • Android Market looks very different today. #
  • My brother is looking for a job. Grab him if you need a sysadmin or web developer. #
  • СпасибоПутинуЗаЭто – SapsiboPutinuZaEto #
  • Lunch break. Silent. Bored. (@ FXCC) [pic]: #
  • 21st century. Windows sysadmin. Has no idea what a web server is, how it works, and how to configure one. Interesting experience for me. #
  • In the time it takes to install PHP on Windows, I can install a Linux server from scratch, complete with LAMP stack and my web app. #
  • When you Google for a Linux problem, you are referred to a manual to read. All Windows results seem to consist of software downloads. #
  • When Small Business Server reboots, all Windows users pick their noses. Linux people add to their /etc/resolv.conf and continue. :) #
  • Apparently, there is an easy way to import Apache mod_rewrite rules from .htaccess into IIS. All you'll need to fix is order of the rules. #
  • I am awesome! :) Not that anybody had any doubts, of course. #
  • @kevinrose BS. Can't even afford a professionally made poster. :) #
  • New note : Importing Apache mod_rewrite Rules : URL Rewrite Module : Installing and Configuring IIS 7 : The Offi… #
  • All the clicking reminds me of "clickety-clickety-click".If you haven't read the BOFH stories,you really should.Some things never get old. #
  • I'm at Draught Microbrewery (24, Vailissis Str, Lanitis 'Carob Mill' Complex, Limassol) #

Day in brief – 2011-10-10

What Was Your First WordPress Version?

James Huff of Weblog Tools Collection asks the questions: what was your first WordPress version? Since I’ve been using WordPress for a few years now, my memory got hazy and I didn’t quite remember. It took me a couple of minutes to dig the truth out.

According to my archives, I’ve migrated this site from NucleusCMS to WordPress on April 9, 2005. A quick check with WordPress versions history suggests that my first WordPress version was 1.5. It was released on February 17, 2005. Version 1.5.1 was released on May 9, 2005 and I’ve upgraded to it, not migrated.

So, for six and a half years I’m using WordPress and I’ve never regretted it even once. That’s quite an achievement, I think. Huge thanks to WordPress folks. I hope that you will continue to bring us more WordPress awesomeness for years to come.

What was your first WordPress version?

Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition 2011

Via this Big Picture post I’ve learned about this year’s Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition. As with any micro photography, the images are captivating and confusing. Half of them are so mesmerizing you’d want to use them for a wallpaper. And another half are so scary that you’d worry going to sleep for the next couple of days.