The Dilbert Blog. Again.

There is much to learn about good writing. And by learning one could improve greatly. But whatever you do – you’ll never even come close to people who have talent. Talant can be recognized from a mile away. Scott Adams of the Dilbert fame has talant. And, although, he is mostly popular for his comics cartoonist talant, I have to say that I enjoy his writing equally or even more.

Here are a couple of examples for you to enjoy.

In his Thanksgiving post he mentions how he felt after an recent operation:

If you’ve been reading my blog, you know that last week was about as pleasant for me as (pick one):

a. using a rabid porcupine to loofah.

b. having a head that looks exactly like a soccer ball and living in Brazil.

c. being Darth Vader about an hour before he gets the helmet.

In another post he talks about how difficult it was, until recently, to find a good sitting place in Mongolia:

In the old days, this restlessness probably caused the Mongols to invade neighboring countries looking for a warm, dry spot to relax and put their feet up. It’s a little known fact that the name Ghengis Khan means “I’m serious man, I need a chair.” But these days, thanks to IKEA, the Mongolians no longer need to stun a yak to find a seat that won’t move.

And his post on interrogation techniques is just brilliant:

It occurred to me recently after having surgery for my deviated septum that lots of Al Qaeda members must need that same procedure. When Amnesty International finds out that we gave free medical care to prisoners, that won’t sound so bad. And yet I can tell you from my own experience that by the second day I would have given up the missile launch codes to make the pain stop. And if I didn’t know the codes I would be willing to torture someone who did until I got them.

Go read his blog. It’s one of the best on the web. Seriously!

Mulan II

Mulan II (2004)I was surprised to learn that “Mulan II” exists. As successful as the original animation was, I thought it would be followed by a sequel, but everything was pretty quiet. It turns out that sequel came out six years later.

Directed by: Darrell Rooney, Lynne Southerland
Genres: Family, Animation, Comedy, Musical
Cast: Ming-Na, B.D. Wong, Mark Moseley, Lucy Liu, Harvey Fierstein, Sandra Oh, Gedde Watanabe, Lauren Tom, Jerry Tondo, Pat Morita, George Takei, June Foray, Freda Foh Shen, Soon-Tek Oh, Frank Welker
IMDB raintg: 5.8
My rating: 5.0

Continue reading Mulan II

New hobby on the horizon

It looks like I am about to engage in a new hobby – HAM or Amateur radio.

I’ve been reading up about it for the last few days and the more I read the more I find it fascinating. It also appears that there are a lot of people in Cyprus who are into HAM. Surprisingly, I even know few of them pretty good. I just never new that they were into it.

I talked on the phone to one guy, here in Limassol, and he was very helpful and showing me the way. Basically, I need to ask for an application form from the Ministry of Telecommunications. (I am planning to do just that on coming Monday.) The application will cost about 10 CYP. It’ll take about a month for the Ministry to respond. Usually they say ‘yes’ to everyone.

To get the license, there is an exam. Ministry holds the exam twice a year, so it can be anywhere from 4 to 6 month until the next one. This will give me enough time to study. I was told that if it was 10 years ago, I would have to buy a few books. But these days, all the information is availble on the Web.

Another good thing is that until August of this year, there were two levels of certification. One was for the beginners and was rather limiting in frequencies and actiosn that were allowed. Another one was for advanced hobbiests and professionals and required passing the Morse code exam. In August though, the law was changed and now there is only one exam that, when passed, gives access to everything there is.

The license costs 30 CYP for the first year, and 15 CYP for all consecutive years. Beginner’s equipment costs are somewhere around 100-150 CYP. Sound affordable to me.

Maxim’s citizenship. Attempt No. 1

The time came for Maxim to get his citizenship. I was trying to delay this moment as much as I could. I am waiting for the news from my Cyprus citizenship case that is in processing for more than two years now. And, naturally, I was hoping to get the Cypriot citizenship and pass it on to Maxim.

Unfortunately, it can’t wait no more and we have to arrange for the Russian citizenship for him too.

Continue reading Maxim’s citizenship. Attempt No. 1

The butcher job

Yesterday I’ve got the chance to use my hatchet knife. It was the first time I bought one (a few month ago), and I never had anything to chop into pieces. Why did I buy a hatchet knife you might ask. Well, it’s a long story.

Note: this post is really a long story and it has some creepy details that involve the dead flash and a hatchet. If you are sensitive about this sort of things, maybe you should probably avoid reading this post altogether.

Continue reading The butcher job