GitHub : Draft Pull Requests

Here are some exciting news from GitHub – an introduction of the Draft Pull Requests. I think this is a very welcome addition to GitHub features.

At work, we’ve been using a work around to solve the problem – a [WIP] prefix in the title of the pull request, which means that this is “Work In Progress” and the PR shouldn’t be merged.

While the prefix does help, it’s not as good as the new Draft Pull Requests. Somebody can still merge a [WIP] pull request by mistake. But with Draft Pull Requests, merging is blocked, until the developer indicates otherwise.

Great stuff!

UUIDs in MySQL are really not random

Jouke Waleson points out to an interesting fact about UUIDs in MySQL, which you might have missed in the documentation:

Warning: Although UUID() values are intended to be unique, they are not necessarily unguessable or unpredictable. If unpredictability is required, UUID values should be generated some other way.

Make a note!

gita – manage multiple git repositories

gita is a command line tool to manage multiple git repositories in parallel. You can easily check the status of several repositories, pull, push, commit, and so on.

This is a nice alternative to how we are handling things at work, with hundreds of repositories all around, but with a lot of overlap between them too. For us, a custom set of scripts works pretty well, with a combination of a powerful terminal emulator. Terminator, for example, provides handy functionality of split screen view, with grouped terminals, where multiple screens can be easily updated with a single command input.

PHP CEO on Twitter

@PHP_CEO is a new corporate humor goldmine on Twitter. It’s very much like I am a developer, but, you know, from the CEO perspective.

Some of those tweets are nothing short of brilliant!