BackgroundCheck – Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it.
Tag: web design
Tablesaw – a set of plugins for responsive tables
Only 90s Web Developers Remember This
Only 90s Web Developers Remember This
Have you ever shoved aÂ
 into aÂ<marquee>
 tag? Pixar gets all the accolades today, but in the 90s this was a serious feat of computer animation. By combining these two tags, you were a trailblazer. A person capable of great innovation. A human being that all other human beings could aspire to.You were a web developer in the 1990s.
There are more nostalgic examples of how we used to do things back in the day …
Refactoring GitHub’s Design
Shine.js – a library for pretty shadows
Shine.js – a library for pretty shadows