UK’s ICO Guide to GDPR

Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is the the UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals.

They have published their own Guide to GDPR, which I find somewhat better than this one from the European Union.

London Trip

Swan Pub, London, UK

As some of you already know, I’ve spent most of this week in London, UK.  My first and only time in London was back in 2009, when I went there for a PHP conference (see this post, and this post).

This trip was very different.  I stayed longer than the last time.  I was mostly for business.  I had much less time to explore the city as a tourist.  So I thought I’d write it up, in case I case I need to remember some of it later.

Continue reading London Trip

Every pub in the United Kingdom

This Reddit thread shares the map of all the pubs in the UK.  The Poke picked it up and wrapped it into some more links and quotes.  Apparently, not even all the pubs are covered:

“Nope. There’s at least 12 pubs missing from the north coast of Scotland. Thurso alone has more than 6, 2 in Bettyhill, Tongue and Melvich plus a few others all missing”, writes shaidy64

The source of the map is here referencing 24,727 UK pubs.  And I’ve only been to like, what, 3?  This situation urgently needs correction.

How the Internet works


Ars Technica runs a nice overview article “How the Internet works: Submarine fiber, brains in jars, and coaxial cables“.  It features plenty of cool images, statistics, and details of the Internet wiring from under the sea to the last mile to the last 100 meters.  It’s mostly focused on UK, but it provides a good understanding of what’s involved in the modern day connectivity.

P.S.: On a less serious note, here’s The IT Crowd take on how the Internet works.  Thanks to Maxym Balabaev for a reminder.