Pull Request focused dashboards for BitBucket


A few days ago BitBucket announced the re-worked dashboards, which are now much more focused on the Pull Requests that you’ve created or need to review, rather than lists of repositories that you have access to.  I’ve enabled the feature for my team and it looks super awesome!

If you’ve been suffering from being lost in dozens or hundreds of projects and missing out on the Pull Requests activity, check them out.  You’d be surprised.

“I’ve never had a goal”

I found the blog post “I’ve never had a goal” over at Jason Kottke blog interesting.  There is a quote from Jason Fried, the founder of Basecamep (aka 37signals):

I can’t remember having a goal. An actual goal.

There are things I’ve wanted to do, but if I didn’t do them I’d be fine with that too. There are targets that would have been nice to hit, but if I didn’t hit them I wouldn’t look back and say I missed them.

I don’t aim for things that way.

I do things, I try things, I build things, I want to make progress, I want to make things better for me, my company, my family, my neighborhood, etc. But I’ve never set a goal. It’s just not how I approach things.

Also, Jason Kottke’s therapist advice:

For the longest time, I thought I was wrong to not have goals. Setting goals is the only way of achieving things, right? When I was criticizing my goalless approach to my therapist a few years ago, he looked at me and said, “It seems like you’ve done pretty well for yourself so far without worrying about goals. That’s just the way you are and it’s working for you. You don’t have to change.”

I myself don’t set goals either.  But I’m yet to reach that “you’ve done pretty well for yourself” part. Wink.

Infrastructure update : GitHub, BitBucket, HipChat, TeamworkPM and Redmine

It’s been a while since I posted an update on our infrastructure tools, so here goes one.  (I know, ideally, it should be on our company’s blog, but we haven’t finished that part of the site yet).

Continue reading Infrastructure update : GitHub, BitBucket, HipChat, TeamworkPM and Redmine

Top 10 companies winning at remote work culture and their secrets

Remote work is a complex subject.  More and more individuals want to do it, yet very few companies offer it.  Communications, project management, knowledge sharing, remunerations, time tracking, team building – are just some of the issues.

Here’s the list of 10 companies that are very successful with their remote work cultures (read the article for details):

  1. Automattic (aka “the WordPress people”)
  2. Buffer
  3. Zapier
  4. Groove
  5. Basecamp
  6. Baremetrics
  7. Treehouse
  8. InVision
  9. Help Scout
  10. CloudPeeps