Every being in the Universe knows right from wrong

Here is one of my favorite movie moments and quotes ever.


The movie is called “K-PAX“. Lead roles are played by Jeff Bridges and Kevin Spacey. The rest of the movie is as good as the above snippet.


Here is an excellent short film – “Validation“.


Firstly, we do need to smile more.  And enjoy life.  Secondly, we need to remember that our words and actions, no matter how small and insignificant we think they are, have the power to affect other people’s lives in deepest of ways.

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Via this blog post I came across this excellent photograph of Jacqueline Kennedy – a wife and widow of John Kennedy.

While she was definitely a very beautiful woman, I can’t think of anyone who would want to be her – there was so much grief and sorrow in her life, that it even seems unfair.  Assassination of her husband is not even the first one on the list.  By that time she already lost two children – her first daughter was delivered stillborn and her fourth child – a boy – died only days after he was born.  Then her husband was killed.  Then his brother.  Then she left the United States, fearing for the lives of her other two children.  She got married to a Greek guy, who soon also lost a son, after which got more and more sick himself.  Not long after that he also passed away.  Widow for the second time, she went through a bunch of legal arguments with the rest of his family.  And if all that wasn’t enough, she was diagnosed with cancer and died at the age of 64.

But from what I understood, she remained strong, kind, and caring throughout her life.  She did a lot of good for a lot of people and many still remember her with words of respect and gratitude.  That leaves me absolutely speechless…

Mark Malkoff Gets Carried in New York City

I’ve posted here about Free Hugs campaign some time ago.  Today I came across an experiment with a smaller goal, but of the same sociality (if there is even such a word).  Mark Malkoff gets a free ride across Manhattan island on the backs of total strangers, proving once again that this world is full of good, fun, strong and crazy people.


Alexander Sorokin, rest in peace

Yesterday I’ve heard the bad news – my uncle, Alexander Sorokin, passed away at an age of 44.  He was on a business trip, almost a 1000 kilometers away from home, when he had a stroke.  He was a really good man.

He was the person who got me into computers many years ago.  He was always involved with technology, and it was him who first arrange a PC for our house.  At first it wasn’t for me, it was for my mother.  But he encouraged my curiosity.  More so, it was him spending countless days and nights in our house, trying to fix the consequences of my curiosity, when important documents got missing or system would get stuck with no way to boot.  All he said after would be “Don’t do this again”.  And on the next occasion: “Oh, that’s OK, I see it’s different this time”.

Strong, kind, smart, and funny.  A very good friend, and an example of a Good Man.  That’s how I will remember him.

Rest in peace…