Daily del.icio.us bookmarks

Today’s links belong to one of the two topics – visual arts or technology.

Visual arts (photography, graffiti, posters, and fashion):


These were shared bookmarks for del.icio.us user tvset on 2005-08-30.

Quake III Arena source code GPLed

id Software has released the source code for its Quake III Arena for the public under the GPL. That is even before Quake 4 has been released! If you’re interested, you can download the source code here.

Now game writers all over the world can unite and produce some really cool games for Linux, Windows, and Mac. Yeah!

Merging two AVI files

Here is a quick tip if you need to merge two AVI files into one using Linux. In fact, you can glue together more than two files. You can glue together as many as you want.

  1. Install transcode. Actually check if it is already installed first as many distributions include it.
  2. Run the following command: avimerge -o result.avi -i source1.avi source2.avi

avimerge is a part of transcode package.

12 minutes

They say that your unpatched Microsoft Windows machine will live for only 12 minutes on the net before getting 0wned. Now, a lot of people are saying a lot of different things about Windows security, but I tend to agree to this particular one. I’ve seen it plenty of times at work. In fact, we now have a requirement for all colocated clients to fully patch their servers before connecting to our backbone.

Slashdot has a story. And a dup.

SELinux fixes

If you are anything like me and don’t want to disable SELinux upon installation of Fedora Linux, then I have a hint for you.

List all files from selinux-policy-targeted and look at the output. You will the list of all files in the RPM package. Few of those files are SELinux manuals for better tweaking.


I just fixed two problems easily after looking into the documentation.

One was with bind, which was complaining with “Permission denied” on any incoming zone transfer (slave zone). named had all the access there is to all folders, but still couldn’t write. This command (mentioned in man 8 named_selinuhelped immediately:

setsebool -P named_write_master_zones 1

Anoner problem was with Apache, which wasn’t showing anything in user’s public_html directory. man 8 httpd_linux suggested the solution that worked:

setsebool -P httpd_enable_homedirs 1
chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t ~user/public_html