Git rebase and the golden rule explained

Git rebase and the golden rule explained” – is an excellent explanation of what happens when you do rebase in git repository.  If you know already, or don’t care, at least remember the golden rule:

Never, NEVER, NEVER, rebase a shared branch. By shared branch I mean a branch that exists on the distant repository and that other people on your team could pull.

Fixing mistakes in Git

git reiterates over the ways to fix and undo mistakes using Git version control software.  Seasoned git users will probably know all of these already, but since I have to explain these things to git newcomers, I thought I’d have it handy somewhere here.

gitfs – version controlled file system

This was only a matter of time … gitfs – version controlled file system:

gitfs was designed to bring the full powers of git to everyone, no matter how little they know about versioning. A user can mount any repository and all the his changes will be automatically converted into commits. gitfs will also expose the history of the branch you’re currently working on by simulating snapshots of every commit.

Here is a brief feature list:

  • Automatically commits changes: create, delete, update files and their metadata
  • Browse through working index and commit history
  • Merges with upstream by automatically accepting local changes
  • Caching commits reduces the memory footprint and speeds up navigation
  • Reduces the number of pushes by batching commits