On Linux philosophy

Here is a brilliant passage from an article “Too Smart for Git“:

Git follows Linux’s philosophy of refusing to protect you from yourself. Much like Linux, Git will sit back and watch you f*ck your sh*t right up, and then laugh at you as you try to get your world back to a state where up is up and down is down. As far as source control goes, not a lot of people are used to this kind of free love.


Subversion is not dead

Git is on the rise right now, especially in the Open Source Software development circles.  Some even went as far as predict the death of Subversion.  As much as I appreciate git (here is a link for you, if you don’t) and what it is doing for the Open Source Software, I have to agree with Brandon Savage:

Corporate America needs a centralized version control system. Subversion still offers this: Subversion centralizes the repository and simply checks out a working copy (versus Git, which gives you a complete repository). Corporate America still needs to have cannonical version numbers, and the ability to see the progress of a product over time as a single line – not a bunch of branches and independent repositories.

And this is true not only for the corporate America.