awslabs/aws-cloudformation-templates is an extensive collection of Amazon AWS CloudFormation templates for a wide range of resources and services. Some of these can be used as is for deploying production infrastructure, others are good starting points for those of us who are still learning.
Tag: cloud computing
Build load-balanced servers in AWS EC2 using CloudFormation

“Build load-balanced servers in AWS EC2 using CloudFormation” is an excellent guide on deploying load balancer servers with EC2 instances to Amazon AWS cloud with CloudFormation infrastructure management tool. The guide covers a variety of topics from the actual deployment to security and monitoring.
There are many different approaches for load balancing traffic in Amazon AWS, and this one is not a holy grail solution, but it provides plenty of insight into available tools and options.
Cloud Diagrams & Notes

Jerry Hargrove – Cloud Diagrams & Notes is an excellent resource for (mostly Amazon AWS) cloud diagrams and notes. I’m sure I’ve seen some of these around, but never thought to visit the original site. To some degree, these are similar to the Julia Evans’ drawings, but are more subject specific.
Serverless PHP on AWS Lambda

For all those of you who want to try out Amazon Lambda with PHP, here’s a quick and simple guide as to how to set it up: Serverless PHP on AWS Lambda.
This is some pretty exciting stuff!
Machine Learning 101 by Jason Mayes
There is a tonne of information both online and offline on the subjects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Some resources provide just the bare minimum introductory information. Others dive deep into specifics. But I haven’t seen one that is as easy to follow as Jason Mayes’ Machine Learning 101 slides deck.
It’s so easy in fact that is probably useful to even the non-technical people who want to know how this whole AI thing works. I particularly liked how the slides are separated into green background for general knowledge and blue background for in-depth knowledge, making them easy to skip. I also find the balance between the details in the slides and the further reading / watching resources to be just right.