PHP is dead…Viva le PHP!

Here’s a great post on why all those “PHP is dead” blog posts and forum threads are a complete load of crap.

Here’s the reality: nearly 80% of the internet is running on PHP as of 2018.

I guess PHP isn’t that dead after all.

PHP doesn’t scale. Riiiiiight. Wikipedia runs entirely on PHP and is the fifth most visited site on the internet. There’s also this little site called Facebook that uses PHP, ever heard of it?

My favorite quote from that blog post is this one:

PHP is the Fidel Castro of programming languages; after all Castro outlived five US presidents who ordered his assignation.

That’s a nice way to put it …

GitHub : 100 million repositories

GitHub is celebrating a very important milestone – they are now hosting 100,000,00 repositories.  This is truly a remarkable achievement!  Congratulations!

And while many of these are private, the majority, no doubt, are the Open Source projects.  GitHub is indeed a cozy home for the Open Source Software, and the world wouldn’t be the same without GitHub.

Read their blog post for some cool statistics.  Here are a few numbers to get you going:

  • 100,000,000 repositories (obviously)
  • 31,000,000 developers
  • 1.1 billion (enough with the zeros already) contributions
  • Founded in 2008 (10 years ago), raking up mere 33,000 repositories that year (who could have known?)
  • Nearly one third of all repositories was created during the last year (insane growth)
  • On average, 1.6 new repositories created every second

Knowing these numbers, and working with GitHub on a daily basis, it’s difficult to imagine how crazy are all the usual metrics (daily/monthly active users, visitors, page views, etc.).

I’m raising a pint to the next 10 years and many repositories.  And really hoping their recent acquisition by Microsoft is going to help, rather than the usual.

Show outdated composer packages

A while back I shared a way to show outdated composer packages.  Today, I want to expand on it a little bit.  Thanks to this tweet:

I think it’s slightly easy to remember with “composer show -molD -strict” (“old”, “mold”).  Adding this to the test suite is a great tip too!

For other ways to show the outdated packages (using composer plugins), have a look at this StackOverflow thread.

mycli – MySQL command line client with auto-completion

mycli is a MySQL / MariaDB / Pecona database command line client with syntax highlighting and auto-completion.  Have a look at some of the screenshots and documentation for features.

Found via this StackOverflow discussion.

IBM To Acquire Red Hat

Here are some huge news to wake up to on this Monday Morning: IBM To Acquire Red Hat, Completely Changing The Cloud Landscape And Becoming World’s #1 Hybrid Cloud Provider.

That’s a lot to process in the morning.  But if Red Hat was to be acquired by someone, I think IBM is one of the better choices.  The deal size is $34 billion … and people are still saying that there is no way to make money with Open Source Software.

Here’s the story at Slashdot, which will get quite a few flame wars as the day progresses.