(“sir hat”) – open source software suite for managing your software development projects – pronounced “sir hat” – is a new competitor in the world of GitHub, BitBucket, and GitLab.  Much like all of these, you can either self-hosted it or use a managed service.  It might not yet be as fancy, polished, and cool (I think they need a better name and the domain) as its competitors, but there are a couple of reasons that might make a difference when making a choice:

  1. Open Source.  From a quick look, is distributed under the GNU Afero GPL.
  2. Modular.  The suite consists of the following components:
    1. git – git repository hosting service
    2. build – continuous integration service
    3. lists – mailing lists service
    4. todo – ticketing system / bug tracker
    5. dispatch – task dispatcher and integration service
    6. man – markdown and git-based wiki service
    7. meta – account management service


CurlMail – easy way to send emails with cUrl

I am a big fan of small and simple yet practically interesting ideas, like this one.  CurlMail is a super easy API service that allows one to send emails from the command line, using nothing but curl, or a similar HTTP client.

It’d be extra cool if it there was a GitHub link to it too.  But even if it’s not openly available, one could use the service for emails which are not sensitive and implement something similar from scratch in a few minutes for private use.

Archiving web sites

LWN runs an interesting article, covering different ways of archiving a website.  It sounds trivial, but it’s not.  Even the simplest of ways – wget – will probably take you a few dozen attempts to figure out the following:

$ wget --mirror --execute robots=off --no-verbose --convert-links \
       --backup-converted --page-requisites --adjust-extension \
       --base=./ --directory-prefix=./ --span-hosts \,

There a few other interesting tools (like pywb) mentioned.

Using aws-cli –query Option To Simplify Output

Eric Hammond shares a super-handy tip for those of us who work with Amazon AWS via the command line:

I just learned about a recent addition to aws-cli: The --query option lets you specify what parts of the response data structure you want output.

Instead of wading through pages of JSON output, you can select a few specific values and output them as JSON, table, or simple text. The new --query option is far easier to use than jq, grep+cut, or Perl, my other fallback tools for parsing the output.

Read the rest of his blog post for a few examples of how to use it.