My Data Request provides information on how to download your personal data from 100+ companies. Such information includes direct links, privacy policy references, and step-by-step instructions based on your geographical location.
Month: May 2018
Design for Blockchain
“Design for Blockchain” is a collection of articles about user interface and user experience design for blockchain and cryptocurrency projects and tools. Blockchain, due to its nature, is quite a technical subject, so making it friendly for non-technical users is a challenge. These articles are exploring the domain problem.
Database Flow – modern, self-hosted web interface for SQL and GraphQL
Database Flow is a modern, Open Source, self-hosted, web-based tool for working with SQL databases and GraphQL APIs. It supports a variety of the database engines: IBM DB2, Oracle, H2, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server. It features an advanced SQL editor, query plan analyzer, GraphQL client, schema explorer, charting, query history, and more.
The only visible downside so far is that it’s written in Java.
Vim, cfdo, Ale and RipGrep
This blog post goes over several grep-like tools and their integration with Vim. If that’s something you do often, it’s worth a read. The tools are:
- Vim’s built-in “:cdo” and “:cfdo” commands. Here’s another blog post with a nice explanation of what these are and how to use them.
- Ale – asynchronous lint engine.
- RipGrep – a very fast tool for recursively searching directories for a regular expression. Extra bits for Vim integration are provided by the vim-ripgrep plugin.
composer-plugin-qa – Composer Plugin for PHP Quality Assurance Tools
composer-plugin-qa is a Composer plugin which adds all the most popular PHP quality assurance tools as composer scripts, so that you don’t have to install and set them up one by one. The list of tools includes the following:
- PHPUnit: Testing Framework
- PHPCOV: CLI frontend for the PHP_CodeCoverage
- Paratest: Parallel testing for PHPUnit
- DbUnit: Puts your database into a known state between test runs
- PHPLOC: A tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project
- PHPCPD: Copy/Paste Detector
- PHP_Depend: Quality of your design in the terms of extensibility, reusability and maintainability
- PHPMD: User friendly frontend application for the raw metrics stream measured by PHP Depend
- PhpMetrics: Static analysis tool, gives metrics about PHP project and classes
- PHP_CodeSniffer: Detects violations of a defined set of coding standards
- PHP-CS-Fixer: A tool to automatically fix coding standards issues
- Security-Checker: Checks if your application uses dependencies with known security vulnerabilities
This list is very similar to the one in my other recent post.