The end of currency

TechChrunch has a nice post covering the developments and ideas in the area of digital money.  Even though most of the discussed is far from being practical today, the ideas and the progress are still fascinating.

Virtual currencies are in the news again with all the discussion aroundBitcoins, which is limited in supply and can be exchanged anonymously. Our own long experience with another digital currency, Ven, has made us think about the logical conclusion of these activities, and what it means for money at large.  And what it means is the end of money as we know it.

Color Image Generator

Today, I had to create a simplistic tool for one of my side projects.  What I needed was a quick way to create an image of a specific size, filled with specific color.  If it was just for me, I could have survived with the Linux command line, of course.  But there are other, non-technical people involved.

I coded a quick prototype in PHP with ImageMagick, which I called Color Image Generator.  Once the functionality was there, I cleaned it up a bit and published to GitHub.  You can grab the sources and use them any way you like, or you can use the hosted version.  Enjoy!

Day in brief

Day in brief