
The other day Maxim surprised us big time. He demonstrated that he is capable of creating cause-effects links by himself. He grabbed the remote control of TV from the table, looked at it, pressed a button, then looked at TV looking for changes. He than looked back at the remote control, pressed another button and looked back at TV. Than he repeated it for a few more times.

And so it was, both Olga and I met the start of Maxim’s electronic age with our jaws on the floor. Not a pretty sight I tell you.

Daily bookmarks

I’ve been rather silent in bookmark department over the last few days. For today though, I’ll give a you long list.

Firstly, a few sites about parenting. There are some funny and cool bits too, so even if you don’t have any kids, you might want to check them out.

Continue reading Daily bookmarks

Coincidence? I think not…

Maxim and I went to the beach early in the morning today, as usual. The weather seemed nice, but it was pretty harsh when we got to the sea. Misty clouds were filtering out a lot of sunshine and there was a very very strong wind. It was so strong that all the umbrellas by the sunbeds were closed to prevent them from braking.

The beach looked pretty empty too. It seemed that you had to be insane to enjoy the beach in conditions like this. Because of the limited sunshine and strong wind the water felt very cold too. I was questioning myself for reasons to stay. I was eager to go home. But Maxim seemed to enjoy himself and didn’t mind the weather at all. Since he is the main reason we go swimming, I decided to stay.

Continue reading Coincidence? I think not…

The sweetest sound ever

My absolutely most favorite sound in the whole wide world is the sound of Maxim laughing (WAV, 60 KBytes, recorded with my mobile). Every time I hear this it feels like a Japanese cherry tree is blossoming inside me on a fast forward playback, like they show on Discovery channel.

Gladly, Maxim is laughing more and more with every day. Today both Olga and I were surprised to catch Maxim laughing while watching TV. There weren’t anything funny though – just a bunch of people and camera that was switching fast between them. I guess it reminded Maxim of a hide-and-seek game that we play with him.