Skating tribute to Tetris

Tetris recently celebrated its 25th year.  But despite all the progress in computer games, all those game consoles, it is still a game much loved and played around the world.  More so, people are often creating remakes, tributes, and all sort of creative appreciation. Here is an example video of a few skateboarders getting together and doing something cool.


Funny People

Funny People

Just got back from the cinema, where I watched “Funny People“.  When I saw the trailer, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see this film or not.  There were a funny scenes, but it looked like a cliché, more or less.   But then I saw a 7.3/10 rating at IMDB and decided that I want to see that.

The film turned out to be quite good.  It’s not really a comedy in the sense that you’d expect from the title, poster, and trailer.  It’s more of a drama with a few funny bits in it.   And while it does follow a sort of cliché story, it does it in an interesting way.  The best to describe it I guess, is with a bad racing car analogy – you can see the track and you sort of know where the car will go, but it still surprises you with its dynamics and by getting off the track at a few turns.  Except that the film is actually good.  You sort of know how it will end and how you’ll get there, but there are a few things which come slower or faster than you’d expect.

All in all, it was a kind, thought provoking, and at times quite funny movie.  Recommended, with 4 stars.  And if you want to see the trailer, here it is:


Incredible, amazing, awesome Apple

A couple of days ago I had yet another one of those discussions about Apple, where I was trying to figure out why people buy things like iPhone.  After all, you don’t have to be a particularly technical person to know that other phones had more and better functionality than iPhone.  And, as always, the discussion falls from the technical and “common sense” to fashion and “cool factor”.

Today, by accident, I came across a video, which provides a lot of explanation to the phenomena.
