The deepest reason why modern JavaScript frameworks exist

The deepest reason why modern JavaScript frameworks exist” is a nice article looking at the crazy world of JavaScript frameworks and exploring why things are how they are.  The conclusions from the article are:

  • The main problem modern JavaScript frameworks solve is keeping the UI in sync with the state.
  • It is not possible to write complex, efficient and easy to maintain UIs with Vanilla JavaScript.
  • Web components do not provide a solution to this problem.
  • It’s not that hard to make your own framework using an existing Virtual DOM library. But I’m not suggesting you to do that!

Read the whole thing for some examples and explanations.

How Fast Is Amp Really?

With Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) being all the rage recently, I found “How fast is AMP really?” article interesting.  It looks like it’s worth spending a tiny bit of time adding AMP to your site, especially if it was developed with one of the common and widely used tools, like WordPress.  And if mobile page performance is important for your project, than there’s even more that you can benefit from.

Color: From Hexcodes to Eyeballs

Color: From Hexcodes to Eyeballs” is one of the best articles on color theory and the relationship between color coding, hardware, and human color perception, that I’ve seen in a long while.  Scratch that.  That I’ve seen EVER!

I was already somewhat familiar with the subject, so I scrolled through the article twice, quick read it, and will have to spend even more time with it.  But if you want to really understand how this part of technology works with humans, it’s the best resource that I can send you to.

What Is gtag.js with Google Analytics and Do I Need It?

If you are using Google Analytics, or any other Google marketing tool on your website, make sure to read through the “What is gtag.js with Google Analytics and do I need it?” article.  It explains the change in the Google Analytics tracking scripts which are slowly rolling out, and provides some insight into the future.