Git from the inside out


Git from the inside out – must be the best thing I’ve ever seen on how git works.  Everybody knows that git is awesome.  Most know that git is implemented with graphs.  But not many know how exactly git stores the project history and how it is affected by different git commands.

And if you are feeling adventurous, there is this:

After reading, if you wish to go even deeper into Git, you can look at the heavily annotated source code of my implementation of Git in JavaScript.

Which, among other things, includes  “Git in six hundred words“.

diff-so-fancy – the best-lookin’ diffs

Here is a cool tool to spice up your regular boring looking diffs – diff-so-fancy.  Don’t get spooked by the npm installation instructions – the meat of it is all in perl/shell and you can install it as any other ~/bin/ script.  Have a look at what you are missing:


Git 2.9

Git 2.9 has been released a few days, bringing in some very useful functionality, such as showing renamed files in git diff and git log, forbidding the merge of two branches that have no common ancestors, configurable path to hooks, and more.  All are welcome changes, making the life of a developer easier.

But what I found interesting is how two largest git companies – GitHub and BitBucket – reflect on it.  Surely, the new release is important to both, but it’s insightful to see which features each of them looks at first.  Have a look:


Useful git commands (and GitHub integration)

Garrett Holmstrom’s blog /dev/zero has a nice collection of useful git commands, especially for those people who work a lot with GitHub.  Here are a few links to get you started:

Very handy stuff!

Git rebase and the golden rule explained

Git rebase and the golden rule explained” – is an excellent explanation of what happens when you do rebase in git repository.  If you know already, or don’t care, at least remember the golden rule:

Never, NEVER, NEVER, rebase a shared branch. By shared branch I mean a branch that exists on the distant repository and that other people on your team could pull.