Online censorship ranked by country

vpnMentor blog runs a post with a lengthy infographic ranking online censorship in different countries.  There’s plenty of interesting data regarding torrents, social media, political media, pornography, and other types of online censorship targets.

The Internet in real time

The Internet in real time provides a visual insight into how much activity is happening on the web every second.  Counts for things like Facebook likes, tweets, and YouTube video views are updated every second, all on one page.

It fascinates me every time to see stuff like this, because, apart from the human activity in itself, I have a glimpse of an understanding of how much technology work is happening behind the scenes.

The Highest-Paid C.E.O.s in 2016

The New York Times has this awesome chart of highest paid Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) in 2016.  You can sort and filter the data in a variety of ways.

Most of these guys and gals make more a year than the rest of us will ever make in our lifetime.  I guess, they totally deserve it.  I’m sure all of them work really hard to get these money.

Stack Overflow: Helping One Million Developers Exit Vim

OK, this one is socially funny and statistically cool – Stack Overflow question on how to exit Vim editor was viewed over a million times in the last few years.  Now, there’s a breakdown of all sorts of statistics about who gets stuck in Vim the most.  It’s pretty amazing the kind of questions and answers one can ponder at when having access to a lot of statistical data.
