Yet another bug closed

Yet another bug that I submitted to Red Hat Bugzilla got fixed. This time it took more than a year – from 21 May 2004 until 12 September 2005 – but a workaround was found much earlier and could be easily applied.

P.S.: I was stupid enough not to notice that the bug was closed and add another comment today. Nuthead!

Fedora Linux Core 4 is out!

I know that everyone is waiting for it, so I’ll break out the good news – Fedora Linux Core 4 is out. I am currently downloading it from one of the mirrors, but the speed is dicreasing. Hopefully I’ll have it before everything stops completely. I will upload all 4 CDs to Thunderworx FTP as soon as I have them. Meanwhile, you can read the Release Notes.

Update: Fedora Linux Core 4 is available via bittorrent.

Update: Official announcement.

Update: Fedora Linux Core 4 ISOs are uploaded to Thunderworx FTP. You can get them from here.

Should Microsoft buy Red Hat?

After reading through this post and linked articles, I went ‘Hmm..’ and remembered one of the recent Paul Graham‘s articles ‘Hiring is Obsolete‘ where he mentions that:

There might be 500 startups right now who think they’re making something Microsoft might buy.

Than I thought that if Microsoft is to buy Red Hat, there will probably be a huge wave of Linux people starting up companies and making all sorts of things that Microsoft might be interested in after Red Hat purchase. But Microsoft will probably be busy fighting a bunch of anti-trust cases.

While I understand that the whole thing is a rumor, it feeds some interesting thinking…

Fedora Linux Core 3 is out

Fedora Project has announced the release of Fedora Linux Core 3. As usual, all software packages has been updated with lots of bugfixes and new features. It should be faster, better, user friendlier, and blah blah blah…

I am downloading it currently using BitTorrent at excellent speeds of 500+ KBytes/s. I will upload it then to Thunderworx ftp server. If you are in Cyprus, you better wait until it will appear there, so you will be downloading it at faster speeds. If you are outside of Cyprus – I am sorry, FTP server is firewalled for you.

Update (9 Nov 2004 18:25): Ok, it is up at Thunderworx FTP server. Also, read the Release Notes.

Fedora Tracker

I’ve just read in LWN about recently announced Fedora Tracker. The goal of the project is to have a central database of apt and yum repositories with search facilities. This sounds like a very nice idea, since finding some Fedora RPM packages is not an easy task.

I’ve check it out and there is plenty of repositories already in. There is also a Submit form for missing information. I wish for this project to live and grow, since it has the potential to be more useful than RPMfind.Net.