Microsoft takes password security to the next level

Microsoft takes password security to the next level

I’ve spotted this link somewhere online, and I think this is funny.

Error Message: Your Password Must Be at Least 18770 Characters and Cannot Repeat Any of Your Previous 30689 Passwords

The solution is, as always, obtain the latest service pack.

All credit card PIN codes in the world leaked!!!

All credit card PIN codes in the world leaked!!!

The linked document contains all PIN codes for all credit cards from all banks in the world! Just check the numbers and see if your PIN codes are there too.  If they are, urgently request a PIN number change from your bank.  Make sure to change it to one of those that are not in that document.

Passwords are like women

I don’t know if this was posted by someone else somewhere else before (probably it was), but that’s what I came up with yesterday, while explaining our password policy to one of the (male) colleagues.

Passwords are like women:

  • you should have as many of them as you can
  • you should change them as often as you can
  • you should never share them with another man

Judging by reaction, I got the point across.