Pediatrician check

Max was on his weekly check with pediatrician today. Everything looks good. He (Maxim, not pediatrician) is growing as he should. He gained about 300 grams during the last week and now weights 4160 grams. He also gained about 2 centimeters to his size and he now measures 55 centimeters. Something else that I was always forgetting to mention – the diameter of his head. He is growing his head about 1 centimeter per week. Now it has a diameter of 38 centimeters.

Maxim has no troubles focusing on the face of the person and following its movement for a few seconds. He also can move his hands and legs just fine. Dr.Simos suggested that we start doing some gymnastics with Maxim. He showed us a couple of exercises that Maxim should do daily.

Another interesting thing that we’ve learned is about names. Dr.Simos said that there are a lot of Maxims getting born. He alone has 5 (!!!) patience with this name. These are good news. Having a unique name is usually hard upon the child and its the last thing we wanted for him. Certainly, though, we didn’t expect it to be so popular.

Imperial size bed

Everyone knows what a King size bed is. Today I’ve learned that there is a bigger option – Imperial size. Imperial size bed is a standard King size bed given out completely to a one month old baby. It is so big you can practically play hide-and-seek in it.

My mother and I left for a while today and left Olga alone with Maxim. She fed him, but he didn’t want to sleep in his bed and she didn’t have enough patience and strength (yet) to play him into oblivion. So she just left him in our bed alone. You had to see this. Among numerous pillows rugs, sheets and blankets there was this tiny little lost face. And it was sleeping. I could almost see the angel wings sticking from under the blanket.

One month

Maxim is one month old today. Unbelievable!

I told Olga that last month was the longest month of my life. She replied that probably my first month was longer. After considering the point for about two seconds, I have to agree with her. So many things happen to an infant during his first month in this world! Getting out, breathing, meeting a bunch of people, bathing, eating, crapping and peeing, moving, listening, sleeping in bed, wearing clothes, etc.

Don’t take me wrong – parents also have a tough deal to live through, but they are under a way smaller stress than the baby. (Probably it is a good thing that people don’t remember their first monthes.) Parents have to process a tonne of information too. Books, articles and granma advices about feeding, bathing, changing, walking and taking care of other needs of the baby. They have to change their way of life to welcome a new creature to this world. They have to pass through a number of psychological stages.

Anyway, one month is a real milestone for both the child and the parents. And I am extremely glad that we’ve reached it. It gives me confidence that we are not screwing everything up and that there are at least few things that Olga and I can take care of properly.

Off for the second month…

Picture of the day

Max and TuxToday I was photographing Maxim (again). He was very calm and was looking towards the window, so I used it as my primary light source for most of the pictures. I have also tried flash, but Maxim didn’t responde well enough.

With these series I was trying to capture emotions and different faces that he was making. Unfortunately, most of the aethetically pleasing images went terribly wrong in the technical department.

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-03-22_POTD

On names: Maxim

The fact that children take a long time to learn thier own names is not surprising. Most parents I know are calling their kids all sort of names. Words they are using might be related to the actual name or not. Like all those honeys, dears, sweeties, etc. Taking all non-related words out still leaves a bunch of variations. Here are a few we use for our son:

Maxim, Max, Maxik, Maximushka, Maximka, Maximchik, Maximus, Maxut, Maximillian, Maxy, Maxo, Maxishe…