
Looking at Maxim after his feeding, I often had a feeling of de ja vu. He looks so much like someone else I know that it almost hurts. I just couldn’t figure out who it was. Closed eyes, puffed up cheeks, bend legs that resemble a yoga sitting position, total relaxation – all of these were the characteristics of someone else. I was practically banging my head on the wall already…

… and than Olga told me who I had in mind – Budda! Most of all those Budda sculptures have the same characteristics, which are so well copied by Maxim that it is really unbelievable. Now I wonder where he could have seen Budda?

In the morning

When I opened my eyes today morning, I saw Maxim laying few centimeters away from me. He was staring at me like I was one of those van Gogh paintings. Half a second after I opened my eyes a huge smile appeared on his face. And he looked so happy. This was the most beautiful waking up I ever had! Man, I almost died of happiness right there!

Apparently, Olga was feeding him – that is how he ended up in our bed. She was changing her position when I woke up – that is why I didn’t see her at first.

Anyway, after the feeding, I was holding Maxim in my hands, patting him and singing to him, trying to make him fall asleep. I was waiting for him to start dreaming so I could leave for the office. And let me tell you that leaving for office is the last thing you want to do when you have this sweet angel in your hands.

And I think he knew that I was going to leave. He didn’t want to sleep. Actually he wanted, his eyes were closing themselves, but he was fighting it as long as he could. And if that wasn’t enough by itself, he grabbed by gown with both of his tiny hands and was holding it like this was his life support system. He felt asleep like that. When I tried to remove his hands from my gown, so that I could put him to bed, he woke up immideately and gave me one of his enemy-of-the-state looks. Only when he slept really hard in about half an hour I managed to slip out.

I’m going to miss him a lot for the next 9 hours or so…

Day to day growth

It is really difficult to see how Maxim growth from day to day. A bit here and a bit there are unnoticable when being busy with all the baby needs. It is only when something concrete is getting measured or changed that I notice how fast he is progressing.

One of these measures is, of course, the weight. Picking Maxim up and holding him in my hands at least 10 times a day doesn’t help in noticing every gram he gains. When he gets half a kilogram in one week I can only say that I think he grew a bit. But when the same half a kilogram is measured by pediatrician, I go all “Wow!” and “Cool!”.

Today there was another noticable milestone – Pampers size. We used the last of size 2 today and went onto size 3. It seems that only yesterday we decided to upgrade from 1 to 2. But in fact it was more than two weeks ago.

Time flies and things get forgotten. This blog is an excellent memory helper. I just hope I won’t forget to blog about size 4 change, when it’ll occur.

Also, today was the first time I went for a walk with Maxim. Until today he was outside with me only when on a trip to doctor’s office or back from there. He was outside without me. That was when his grandma was here. She used to walk him every day. After she left, all outside walking Maxim was getting included few hours of sleep on the balcony. But today it happened. He and I alone. We were walking for about half an hour only. Just to the bakery and back, in a very slow motion.

Other fathers were telling me that the first walk will feel wierd. Well, it was to a certain degree. I mean I am definetely not used to walking around with the cradle and the sleeping baby in it. Am I holding it right? Where is the wind coming from? Is that sun shines straight to his eye? Is he sleeping? What if he will ask me for food? What if a crazy car comes from around the corner? These were the things running through my mind. Fortunately, nothing extraordinary happenned. We just walked down the street about one block, bought some bread, and returned home. Maxim slept through most of the walk like suggesting that I should do this more often. Probably I should. Probably I will.