Have you tried…

…the breast milk? I mean after you’ve grown out of infancy.

I don’t know why but most of the guys I know feel some sort of disgust towards breast milk. They are rather attracted by the container, so to speak. Most of them would try the milk directly from the breast, but would never taste the same milk from the bottle or cup.

Until today I wasn’t sure if I am one of those guys. I tried breast milk from the bottle when I was about 7 years old, when my mother was feeding my infant brother. But that doesn’t count. And its a vague memory anyway. These days though, when my wife is feeding my son, I was thinking if I should try it.

I would gladly jump onto a tit, but the problem is with Olga – she is protecting the sterility of my son’s food place better than US Army protects Fort Knox. The tit is out of the question. Once in a while though Olga puts some milk in the bottle. She’s not pumping it. It’s just coming out and instead of dripping it all over the floor, she just puts it in the bottle.

Since I mentioned to Olga several times that I’d be glad to try the milk (from the breast) she is offering me the bottle every time. I’m sure it’s not the same, so I was refusing it.

But today something ticked and I tried the milk. I didn’t drink the whole thing – just a sip or two to get the taste. I have to say that it is much better than some people can think of it. It taste like a normal milk with some water in and just a tiny bit of sugar. Yes, it is watery and a little sweet.

There is nothing more to it…

Fist disassembler

For a long time now Maxim was trying to suck his fingers. He never succeded because his hands are always closing into fists, with thumb going inside. Today though situation changed. Maxim managed to disassemble the fist with his mouse and suck onto the index finger. First time that I saw it, I thought that he was just lucky. But he proved to me that he actually developed a technique for doing so. Locating the thumb is a matter of time from now on…


I’m speechless…

Maxim didn’t feel good and couldn’t sleep. He ate too much or something and his belly was hurting. The only position he could keep up was vertical. Meaning he was half standing on me for an hour or so. Any attempt to move him failed because of his crying and grimacing.

After about one hour of pains, he managed to fall asleep. I held him for some time more and rotate him 90 degrees to a horizontal position. He started to wake up. I decided to put him in bed, hoping that he won’t wake up. He did. Half way to his bed he opened his eyes as wide as he could. His face looked like he was in pains for a couple of years or so.

I put him to bed anyway. He kept silent for some time, but he wasn’t sleeping. I thought I’d let him stay there until he will demand some attention. So I’m sitting in the living room, listening to every sound coming out of the bedroom and suddenly… what do I hear? Laugher!

I thought that it was my imagination. I went to check upon him and indeed – he was laying there, looking at his toys and laughing happily. He even started talking (“ahu-aha” kind of talk) to them.

I’m speechless…

Sleeping beauty

Sleeping beauty

One of the things Maxim got from me is his ability to sleep with semiopen eyes. Sometimes they are wide open, sometimes they are open just a tiny bit. Can you see a light reflection in his eye on this picture? Well, that’s a tiny bit open eye…

On the photography side, I’ve postprocessed this image a bit. Original came out OK, but looked somewhat boring and casual. Firstly, I played with layers and color balance to get rid of the yellow tungsten cast as much as possible. I am still practicing my skills in this area. Than, I decided to try something that I wanted to try for some time now – selective blur. I’ve selected Maxim’s face, feathered the selection by 300 pixels, inverted the selection, and blurred by 30 pixels both vertically and horizontally the rest of the picture. The result looked much better than the original, but I thought that since I went this far, I should also add the glamour glow. I copied the layer, blurred the top one by 15 pixels in both directions, changed the opacity mode to overlay, and played a bit with the scroller there until I liked what I saw. Than I merged layers, flattened image, saved it, uploaded and published, and here is the result.

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-05-05_POTD