First food

First food

We didn’t go to the Jumbo today, but it didn’t stop us from feeding Maxim. He seemed to like it although he was very confused about all the fuzz. And the spoon thingy… He was trying to suck the food off it, like it was a bottle or something. The whole thing seemed like fun and only fun, until we realized that Maxim was actually eating the food. He had at most three spoons, but he ate a lot less breast milk afterwords. I just hope that he will digest it nicely, otherwise he might not eat it again. Whatever. So far so good.

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-07-21_First_Food

Pediatrician yet again

Today we took Maxim for his yet another pediatrician check. Everything seems fine with him. He gained about 400 grams in weight during the last month and now weights 7750 grams. He is 67 centimeters long too. These measurements show that his development is normal.

Also one additional ultrasound examination was made to check upon his internals. Nothing bad came up, except, of course, for his lowered kidney, which we will examine in more detail next month.

Dr.Simos gave us a small lecture on how to feed Maxim foods other than breast milk. He gave us a few different favours to try (promotional material).

Continue reading Pediatrician yet again

Maxim and the plastic bag

Maxim and the plastic bag

At this time in his life, Maxim just loves anything that makes sound. Plastic bags and present wrapping paper are two of his most favourite toys. It’s fun watching him concentrate so hard on them that he forgets what he is and where he is.

Album location: /photos/2005/2005-07-19_POTD/

Sofia Georgiades

On behalf of our family I’d like to congratulate Alex and Katia Georgiades. Today they became the parents of their second daughter – Sofia Georgiades. Sofia was naturally born at 4:30am, weighting 3250 grams.

Olga and I were among those chosen few who were allowed to see the baby on her first day of life. Both of us were deeply touched. We also brought Maxim with us who really looked like a giant near Sofia, despite his almost 5 monthes of age.

I made a few pictures, but I will not release them to the general public for the next 40 days as per request of the young father. :)

Visit to nephrologist

Today we went for a long awaited trip to Nicosia to see nephrologist and find out all we can about Maxim’s kidneys. The appointment was with Dr.Avraam in Makarious III hospital (enter Nicosia from the Limassol-Nicosia highway, turn left on the first traffic light, turn right on the second traffic light where there is a Marks & Spencer shop and Goody’s on the corner, just after passing McDonald’s. Then go straight for about 300-400 meters until there is a traffic light with the church on the corner. Turn left there and immediately go right into the hospital parking.)

Makarious III hospital is a huge thing I should tell you. And there is a lot of bearucracy going on. And many people from the staff don’t speak any English, so you better come earlier if you need to. We came about an hour earlier and we finished with everything just in time. From the lady who directed us towards “Go windows write” (which is reception that checks your medical card) through “You’ll have to pay” (which is a cashier where new medical cards are paid for) to “Wait here” (which is a long queueu to a couple of doctors in pediatric department).

I was surprised to see that there was no equipment in Dr.Avraam’s office what-so-ever. Not even a computer. No scanning devices. No testers nothing. He checked Maxim with his hands, looked all over him and said “It doesn’t look like anything serious.”. He said that it is probably an easy case of ectopic kidney. I was eased on one hand, but suspecious on the other. He added than “But you’ll have to make some more tests.” He made us an appointment for strghchojdzojdhzl-scopy in the 20s days of August. He said that this strghchojdzojdhzl-scopy test will show the exact positions of Maxim’s kidneys and how serious the whole situation is. Because of his poor English I didn’t understand the nature of the test. The only thing that I got was that it will happen in the Nuclear Medicine Laboratory. Sounds scary.

And so we came back – hot, tired, and in waiting for the end of August…