For a while now, whenever I post a new blog post to this site, and try to propagate it to my social network accounts, I get an error from Facebook – something about security and content policies this or that:

The automation broke a few month ago, but I never cared enough to do much about it. From then on, I don’t push all the posts to Facebook automatically, but a select few, with manual posting of the links.
Today, even the manual posting broke. I got this:

OK, I thought. Weird, but this happens. Gladly, the error message contains the link to let Facebook know about the problem. And so I do. Just to get to this point:

Now that’s not good. But then again what can I do? I guess it’s a good thing I still own all of my content and have my own place to publish it at.
Hopefully, this will get resolved all by itself soon. Or people will have only kitten pictures to look at…