Blogging milestone : 5,000+ posts

Ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you post number 5,005.  I nearly missed it altogether, so please excuse a not exactly a round number.  And now, before you throw things at me, let me highlight some disclaimer points:

  • I’ve written more than 5,000 blog posts in my life.  But quite a few of them went down, disappeared, or are blocked behind corporate firewalls.  Today’s celebration is only about my personal blog.
  • Not all of these blog posts were written by hand.  Some are aggregates from Twitter, Delicious, or some other third-party service that I used.  But I count them anyway, because they compensate for those lost posts, and because the spirit of sharing even via a third-party is too similar to blogging.  I found something worth sharing, I shared it, and it ended up on my blog in one form or the other.
  • Most of these posts are utter crap that nobody will ever read or use.   But I still celebrate them, because I took the effort to write them, and because they were important to me at some point in time.
  • On top of that, I celebrate all these posts that survived over multiple blog software migrations, hosting changes, restructuring and reorganizations.  While they are a huge mess that many of you would be glad to throw away, they constantly remind me of all those transformations that I went through.  And if nothing else, they provide me with an extra leverage in any data organization argument.  After all, thousands of posts and comments over 10 years of blogging should count for some experience.

Let the celebrations begin!

Happy 6th birthday, Firefox!

Download Squad reminds us that it has only been 6 years that Firefox is with us.   That’s true, but I find it so hard to believe.  What was the web experience before Firefox came along?  I remember that Firefox made it way better, but I don’t really remember how bad it was before that.  And even though I spend most of these days using Google Chrome, I clocked thousands of hours in Firefox and it is almost like a relative to me.

Happy birthday dear browser! Best wishes and may you continue to improve, especially now that you have some competition to get you going.

Happy Programmer’s Day!

Yes, you’ve heard that right – it’s Programmer’s Day today.  At least in Russia, this is an official and recognized holiday.  Not a public day off, though.  Programmer’s Day is celebrated on the 256th day of the year, which falls on September 13th, except for leap years, when it’s on September 12th.

Congratulations to all programmers all over the world and kudos for your hard and often boring work.  Keep it up and enjoy the day.  I wish you fewer bugs, faster compilers, and flexible libraries.

And while I don’t dare to call myself a programmer, I’ve wrote enough to code to join the celebrations today.  Beers, vodkas and tequilas are waiting for the evening!

P.S.: And if you are an outsider and have no idea how a typical programmer spends his day, here is a chart.