BitBucket Pipelines and Docker for PHP Developers

I’ve been meaning to look into Docker for a long while now.  But, as always, time is the issue.  In the last couple of days though I’ve been integrating BitBucket Pipelines into our workflow.  BitBucket Pipelines is a continuous integration solution, which runs your project tests in a Docker container.  So, naturally, I had to get a better idea of how the whole thing works.

Docker for PHP Developers” article was super useful.  Even though it wasn’t immediately applicable to BitBucket Pipelines, as they don’t currently support multiple containers – everything has to run within a single container.

The default BitBucket Pipelines configuration suggests the phpunit/phpunit image.  If you want to run PHPUnit tests only, that works fine.  But if you want to have a full blown Nginx and MySQL setup for extra bits (UI tests, integration tests, etc), then you might find smartapps/bitbucket-pipelines-php-mysql image much more useful.  Here’s the full bitbucket-pipelines.yml file that I’ve ended up with.

Pull Request focused dashboards for BitBucket


A few days ago BitBucket announced the re-worked dashboards, which are now much more focused on the Pull Requests that you’ve created or need to review, rather than lists of repositories that you have access to.  I’ve enabled the feature for my team and it looks super awesome!

If you’ve been suffering from being lost in dozens or hundreds of projects and missing out on the Pull Requests activity, check them out.  You’d be surprised.

Git 2.9

Git 2.9 has been released a few days, bringing in some very useful functionality, such as showing renamed files in git diff and git log, forbidding the merge of two branches that have no common ancestors, configurable path to hooks, and more.  All are welcome changes, making the life of a developer easier.

But what I found interesting is how two largest git companies – GitHub and BitBucket – reflect on it.  Surely, the new release is important to both, but it’s insightful to see which features each of them looks at first.  Have a look:


Bitbucket Pipelines Beta announced

BitBucket blog announces Pipelines Beta (coincidentally after I’ve spent about a week playing with Jenkins).  These guys are dropping their Bamboo Cloud CI solution and instead provide this:

It looks a lot like TravisCI, but on steroids!  Very good news!

Pull request guidelines for Bitbucket Cloud

Bitbucket is often viewed as second best compared to GitHub.  And while I love GitHub dearly, I have to say that it’s not true.  It’s as good as GitHub.  Sure, it doesn’t offer all GitHub features yet (Releases, for example), but it does offer a few features of its own, which are not found in GitHub (Projects and Approvals come to mind).

With the recent advances in Atlassian Connect – an API integration layer – there’s been quite a few apps and services that extend Bitbucket beyond what GitHub users are accustomed to.  Have a look at this Pull request guidelines for Bitbucket Cloud.


It looks simple.  But it’s super handy and provides functionality, which is not as trivial as you might think.