Kitab – documentation rendering and testing tool for PHP

Kitab is a handy tool for PHP developers that helps with two things:

  1. Render static HTML (with added search) from the doc-blocks in source code.
  2. Unit test the examples that are in the doc-blocks.

There are a number of tools that do the first one (phpDocumentor, Doxygen, Sami, etc).  However I don’t remember seeing anything that accomplishes the second task.

PHP object graph visualizer

koriym/print_o is an object graph visualizer for PHP.  Here’s a Wikipedia answer to the question of “What is an object graph?”:

Object-oriented applications contain complex webs of interrelated objects. Objects are linked to each other by one object either owning or containing another object or holding a reference to another object. This web of objects is called an object graph and it is the more abstract structure that can be used in discussing an application’s state.

This tool is similar to some of my GraphViz tools (CakePHP model visualization with GraphViz, and PHP class inheritance with GraphViz), but it’s a lot more generic, and looks like a lot more powerful.

EU : Compensation of employees per hour worked

Eurostat reports the compensation of employees per hour worked.  This includes 28 member countries of the European Union, and the data for the last 10 years.

Cyprus stands at 14.3 EUR (that’s 2,288 EUR per month, given 40 hour working weeks) , slightly up from 13.9 EUR ten years ago.