Lazydocker is a simple terminal UI for easier management of Docker. This is particularly useful for new Docker users, but can as well save plenty of keystrokes to the seasoned administrators.
Category: Web work
These days, most of my work is very related to the online world. Building web sites, reviewing web applications, integrating with web services, coordinating people who are far away from each other, etc. Whenever I find a new tool or service or an innovative, interesting idea about working online, I share it in this category.
How HTTPS Works in 10 Minutes
“How HTTPS Works in 10 Minutes” is a simple, high-level overview of how HTTPS works. It doesn’t dive into too much detail or heavy math. But it does cover the main stages of how the connection is established, verified, and encrypted. These are the stages that are covered:
- You go to an HTTPS website via your browser
- The Client says “Hello”
- The Server says “Hello”
- The Client makes sure the SSL certificate is legitimate
- The Client gets the public key from the SSL certificate
- The Client uses the public key to make more random bytes
- The Client and Server make session keys
- The Client and Server compare session keys
- If the session keys match, game on
Calculating distance using MySQL
“Calculating distance using MySQL” is a very useful blog post for everyone who works with geographical location data and MySQL. It shows a simple example of how to calculate the distance between two coordinates on a sphere (Earth in particular) within the MySQL itself.
SELECT ST_Distance_Sphere(
point(-87.6770458, 41.9631174),
point(-73.9898293, 40.7628267)
The above will return 1148978.6738241839, which is the distance between the two points in meters.
This functionality is available since MySQL 5.7. Have a look at the documentation of the spacial convenience functions.
MariaDB has similar functionality, but with a slightly different function names. Use ST_DISTANCE() instead of ST_Distance_Sphere(). Have a look at this blog post for more details.
GDPR cookie scanner
I came across the GDPR Expert service via this HackerNews thread. It is a service that helps website owners with the GDPR compliance. Behind the scenes, there is this open source tool, which scans for cookies and provides the details about the vendor and purpose of each identified cookie. The database includes more than 10,000 known cookies.
Very handy.
Telegram’s description of DDoS attack is the best
The servers of Telegram, a popular instant messenger, were under a DDoS attack recently. While they were working on the problem, they’ve tweeted a couple of explanations of what’s going on. CNET brings those tweets to our attention, as they explain rather complex things in a very short and simple way.