AutoMapper – Declarative data mapper for PHP 7

AutoMapper can map data from array/object to existing array/object or marshal a new one.

Mapping rules specified in declarative way using three simple definitions:

  • From definition (From::create or via short function from) — maps single field from source to target. Supports chainable functions:
    • ->convert(callable $callable) — converts input value to another one via any callable;
    • ->trim() — trims value to eliminate whitespaces (suitable for strings);
    • ->default($defaultValue) — returns default value if source field is missing;
    • ->ignoreMissing() — ignores target field if source field is missing;
    • ->ignoreEmpty() — ignores target field if source field is empty.
  • Aggregate definition (Aggregate::create or via short function aggregate) — maps multiple fields from source to single target field. Supports chainable functions:
    • ->trim() — trims aggregated value
    • ->ignoreEmpty() — ignores target field if aggregated value is empty.
  • Value definition (Value::create or via short function value) — maps constant value to target field. Supports chainable functions:
    • ->trim()
    • ->ignoreEmpty()

All missing source fields can be ignored via AutoMapper::create(...)->ignoreAllMissing() modifier.

Grav – a modern open source flat-file CMS

Grav is yet another addition to the growing number of the Open Source flat-file content management systems.  I guess, more and more people are realizing that not every website needs a database behind it.  And those that do need one, will have to work hard to keep it flexible and scaleable.

Grav brings a user friendly interface, lots of features, and extendability with themes and plugins.  Give it a spin!

Vim as a PHP IDE – the complete guide

Vim as a PHP IDE – the complete guide” is yet another one of those lengthy articles on how to setup Vim as an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), specifically so for PHP developers.

Over the years, it’s interesting to see how with more powerful Vim, such guides become more and more focused on the selection and configuration of the plugins, rather than on tweaking Vim configuration.

HTTPlug – The HTTP client abstraction for PHP

HTTPlug is an HTTP client abstraction for PHP.  Using this library you can decouple your code from the specifics of the HTTP implementation in your client of choice, and can also easily switch between different clients, like cURL, Guzzle, and so on.

HTTPlug also supports pluggable functionality, so you can expand or shrink as needed by your application.  Some examples of plugins include request / response logging and authentication.

SQL Keys in Depth

SQL Keys in Depth is an excellent read if you want to brush up on your knowledge of database keys and how they affect the performance of your application.  For the laziest among you, here are the summary points, based on an extensive research of 60+ articles, StackOverflow questions and IRC discussions:

For each table:

  1. Identify and declare all natural keys.
  2. Create a <table_name>_id surrogate key of type uuid with default value uuid_generate_v1(). You can even mark it as a primary key if you like. Including the table name in this id makes joins simpler. It’s JOIN foo USING (bar_id) vs JOIN foo ON (foo.bar_id = Do not expose this key to clients or anywhere outside the database.
  3. For “join tables” declare all foreign key columns as a single composite primary key.
  4. Add an artificial key if desired for use in a URL or anywhere else you want to share a reference to a row. Use a Feistel cipher or pg_hashids to conceal auto-incrementing integers.
  5. Mark foreign keys to surrogate UUIDs as ON UPDATE RESTRICT and to external artificial keys as ON UPDATE CASCADE. Use your own judgement for natural keys.