Linux utils that you might not know

Linux utils that you might not know covers a few Linux command line utilities that aren’t very famous:

  • column, for “columnating” lists, which is very useful for display of table-like data (think CSV, for example);
  • cal, for displaying calendars;
  • factor, for calculating factors;
  • numfmt, for formatting numbers and converting them to/from human-readable formats;
  • shred, for overwriting the content of a deleted file, making it much more difficult to recover.

HAProxy and Nginx abuse and rate limiting

My brother wrote a follow-up – HAProxy abuse filtering and rate limiting – to his previous post – Nginx rate limit by user agent (control bots).  This is just a tip of the iceberg that we are working with at the office, but it’s pretty cool.

Hopefully, soon enough our Ansible playbooks will be up to date and shareable…


HAProxy SNI” is pure gold! If you want to have a load balancer for HTTPS traffic, without managing SSL certificates on the said load balancer, there is a way to do so.

The approach is utilizing the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension to the TLS protocol.  I knew about it and I was already using it on the web server side, but it didn’t occur to me that it’ll be utilized on the load balancer.  Here’s the configuration bit:

frontend https *:443
  description Incoming traffic to port 443
  mode tcp
  tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
  tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }
  use_backend backend-ssl-foobar if { req_ssl_sni -i }
  use_backend backend-ssl-example if { req_ssl_sni -i }
  default_backend backend-ssl-default

The above will make HAProxy listen on port 443, and then send all traffic for to one backend, all traffic for to another backend, and the rest to the third, default backend.

Writing systemd Units

Vidar Hokstad explains what systemd units are and how to write them.  Very useful for that day when I will stop hating systemd and will try to embrace it.

Systemd has become the defacto new standard init for Linux-based systems. While not everyone has made the switch yet, pretty much all the major distros have made the decision to switch.

For most people this has not meant all that much yet, other than a lot of controversy. Systemd has built in SysV init system compatibility, and so it’s possible to avoid dealing with it quite well.

But there is much to be gained from picking up some basics. Systemd is very poweful.

I’m not going to deal with the basics of interacting with systemd as that’s well covered elsewhere. You can find a number of basic tips and tricks here.

Instead I want to talk about how to write systemd units.

Deprecated Linux networking commands and their replacements

Doug Vitale Tech Blog runs a post with a collection of the deprecated Linux networking commands and their replacements. Pretty handy if you want update some of your old bash scripts.

Deprecated command Replacement command(s)
arp ip n (ip neighbor)
ifconfig ip a (ip addr), ip link, ip -s (ip -stats)
iptunnel ip tunnel
iwconfig iw
nameif ip link, ifrename
netstat ss, ip route (for netstat-r), ip -s link (for netstat -i), ip maddr (for netstat-g)
route ip r (ip route)