Awesome git addons

Awesome git addons is yet another one of those curated awesome lists.  This time it’s for git version control tool.  And once again, it’s mind blowing.

Git itself is a very flexible and powerful tool.  But it truly amazing how far some people take it.  In the list you can find anything from aliases for complex commands, to full-featured integrations with GitHub, git flow process, deployment tools, and much more.

MySQL High Availability at GitHub

Shlomi Noach, GitHub’s Senior Infrastructure Engineer, shares some details on both the current and future high availability setup of MySQL databases at GitHub.

This is probably way too far out for most people using MySQL for their web applications.  But it does highlight the technical complexity of running high load web applications, and how some of the issues can be solved or worked around.

Pretty fascinating stuff there … 

RoadRunner – high-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager

RoadRunner is a high-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager, written in Goland.  It sounds like an excellent replacement for the built-in PHP server, and even more than that – it’s production-ready.  And it works on Windows too.

RoadRunner is an open source (MIT licensed) high-performance PHP application server, load balancer and process manager. It supports running as a service with the ability to extend its functionality on a per-project basis.

RoadRunner includes PSR-7/PSR-17 compatible HTTP and HTTP/2 server and can be used to replace classic Nginx+FPM setup with much greater performance and flexibility. (“sir hat”) – open source software suite for managing your software development projects – pronounced “sir hat” – is a new competitor in the world of GitHub, BitBucket, and GitLab.  Much like all of these, you can either self-hosted it or use a managed service.  It might not yet be as fancy, polished, and cool (I think they need a better name and the domain) as its competitors, but there are a couple of reasons that might make a difference when making a choice:

  1. Open Source.  From a quick look, is distributed under the GNU Afero GPL.
  2. Modular.  The suite consists of the following components:
    1. git – git repository hosting service
    2. build – continuous integration service
    3. lists – mailing lists service
    4. todo – ticketing system / bug tracker
    5. dispatch – task dispatcher and integration service
    6. man – markdown and git-based wiki service
    7. meta – account management service


The History of Unix, Rob Pike

Rob Pike talks about the history of Unix and his quite remarkable career.  And here’s my favorite quote from the video, referring to “The Unix Programming Environment” book:

It is amazing to me that the book that came out in the late 1983 is still technically relevant today.  It’s insane!