Yaroslavl Roadmap 10-15-20

There were plenty of news recently about Russia in general and its president Dmitry Medvedev in particular taking steps towards building up some technology innovation in the country.  Medvedev visited a number of technology companies in the Silicon Valley.  And there were a few announcements about some sort of technology center being built in Skolkovo, next to Moscow. Most Russians that I’ve talked to about this are very skeptical (me included).

In fact, I’m not even interested on how this project goes now and who is involved with it.  At least, not in Russia.  But there are some interesting developments internationally.   One example in particular that I want to mention is Yaroslavl Roadmap 10-15-20.

As part of the Skolkovo project, Russian government requested some expert help on figuring out the best approach and course of action.  One source of such expert advise came from the New York Academy of Science.  In fact, I think they have done some spectacular research and managed to summarize it in a very concise report.  They titled it “Yaroslavl Roadmap 10-15-20: 10 Years to Implement, 15 Steps to Take, 20 Pitfalls to Avoid—International Experience and the Path Forward for Russian Innovation Policy” (PDF, 3.7 MB, 128 pages).

In essence, it is a very compact review of how technological innovation was formed and grown in Israel, Finland, Taiwan, India, and USA.  It summarizes they key points, successes and failure.  It also briefly describes the specifics of each country and how those specifics affected the chosen path.  It then describes the key specifics of Russia.  Once all that is done, a roadmap is presented, with both generic bullet points and a time table of steps that have to be taken.

And even if my feeling is that this whole work will be completely ignored in Russia, I still think that the report has plenty of interesting information for a lot of other people.  If you work in, with, or near technology, you should download the PDF and at least scroll through it.  If you ever were interested in Silicon Valley, how it came to be, and if or how it can be created somewhere else, then you should definitely download the report.

I downloaded it a few days ago and barely looked through it, but even that alone gave me plenty to think about.  But there is way more than that.  It needs careful reading and studying, which I will do the soonest.  Brilliant stuff!

Twitter is not a social network

Just a couple of days ago I had a discussion with a friend of mine about Twitter.  He is not too much into social networks, but hearing all the time about Twitter, he decided to give it a shot again, and still felt that it was in no way suitable for him.  Normally, that would be enough for me to jump into my zealotical advocacy mode.  However this time I felt different.  I said that I’m not all that hot about Twitter anymore as I used to be.

You see, back in a day, Twitter had two things important to me, that it lost on the way to where it is now.  The first one was SMS gateway.  People could interact with Twitter via SMS.  This was important to me, because I could practically get anybody register at Twitter.  My grandparents know how to send SMS, using their pre-historic mobile phones.  Also, SMS coverage is way better, more reliable, and cheaper than any mobile Internet connection.  Unfortunately, Twitter limited its SMS gateway from global coverage to only a selection of countries (US, UK, etc), which don’t include the countries where I or my friends and family live.  A huge disappointment.

Secondly, back in a day, Twitter was about status updates.  That was partially enforced by the SMS user interface, where you just couldn’t assume that everyone has a browser nearby or even an Internet connection.  So the messages were more of the text and less of the links.  With SMS gateway going away, and with plenty of online marketing and PR people joining Twitter, this was also gone.  Now, most Twitter messages contain a link to an external resource.

I think that that also changed the culture of a place.  Before, 140 character limitation had a very good reason to be in place – that’s how many characters there are in an SMS message.  People were encouraged to formulate their updates within this limit.  Now that Twitter updates are mostly links, nobody cares about that limit.  Why would I want to limit myself to 140 characters, when I can use as much of them as I want and just tweet a link to my text?

So, if it’s not a social network with status updates anymore, what is it?  A news source?  But we had RSS for that, didn’t we?  Yes, we did, and we still do.  But RSS works differently.  RSS is more of a source-based system.  You pick your sources that you trust and want to follow – CNN, Slashdot, etc – and you subscribe to their RSS feed.  This will make sure that you get all published items, whether you are online or not.  If you’ve got a new interest or hobby – just find a few more sources of wisdom and subscribe to their RSS feeds.  Handling too much?  Just unsubscribe from some and you done.

Twitter is different.  It’s not so much as a source-based system, but an event-based system.  It doesn’t matter who you follow and what your interests are.  If something happens, you’ll know about it on Twitter.  A gadzillion people will tweet and re-tweet about it, and you will eventually catch it.  Or you can search for keywords that you have interest in, and then it will work very much like Google Alerts, letting you know about tweets that matched, no matter who or where posts them.

I am, personally, not a big news person.  I don’t care much about news.  What I care about are opinions and thoughts about news.  So for me personally, Twitter is not that interesting, because it only tells me what happens.  Slashdot and a collection of my other two hundred or so feeds tell me what happened and what people think about it.

For the last year or so, I only new that I am floating away from Twitter.  Yes, it’s there.  Yes, it’s getting more and more popular.  Yes, I’m pushing a bunch of links to it too – my blog posts announcements, some delicious bookmarks, an YouTube favorites.  Occasionally I even tweet a thought or a quote.  But I don’t read and follow it as much as I used to.  For the last couple of weeks or so, I was trying to figure out why, and now I think I have.

But until today that was only me and my thoughts.  Today however I got a confirmation of my thoughts being in the right direction.

Kevin Thau, Twitter’s VP for business and corporate development, announced during a presentation at Nokia World 2010 today that everyone’s favorite micro-blogging network is not actually a social network.

It’s not, you say?

No, says Thau: Twitter is for news. Twitter is for content. Twitter is for information.

ReadWriteWeb is one of many resources reporting from Nokia World 2000.

Urchin – Google Analytics in a box

Google Analytics has proven itself over and over again as an extremely valuable tool for pretty much everyone interested in website statistics.  But as awesome as it is, Google Analytics has a number of limitations.  These don’t come handy when you need to analyze non-public websites, such as intranets or web-based services behind closed firewalls.  Sure, there are plenty of alternatives to Google Analytics that you could go with.  But what if you wanted to stick to Google Analytics?  I thought you couldn’t (that is without tricks and ugly workarounds).  Apparently, I was wrong.  You could.

Urchin is a packaged Google Analytics application that you can run on your own servers, under your full control.  There are a few features in Urchin that are not in Google Analytics (mostly due to Google Analytics not having access to your server logs).  Here are the interesting ones:

  • Process historical logs
  • Status & error codes reports
  • Individual visitor history drilldown

These are things that you don’t probably care too much, if you only have a couple of personal blogs to manage.  But if you are a company with a few busy websites and large chunks of your revenues spent on the online advertising, you’d want each and every bit of information, including the above.

One other reason that probably only the enterprises will be interested in Urchin is the price.  While Google Analytics comes to everyone for free, you’ll have to pay USD $9,995 (yes, almost ten thousand!) for the Urchin license.

And even though the price is quite prohibitive and will leave most people still using Google Analytics, I think it’s nice to have this option.