Bash trick: Repeat last command until success

More and more often I come across a scenario where I need to repeat the shell command until it succeeds. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Reboot a server. Try to remotely login to it via ssh. This fails until the server actually boots up. Keep trying until connected.
  • Start an application that writes to the log file. Run “tail -f some.log” to watch the log messages. This fails if the log file does not exist yet. Keep trying until the application creates the log file and writes something into it.

Sure, I can always press the up arrow key and Enter, to repeat the last command from the history. But it is a tiny bit annoying.

Today I came across this little trick, that solves the problem. Add the following function to your .bashrc:

rpt() {
  CMD=$(fc -ln | tail -n 2 | head -n 1)
  echo "repeating until success: $CMD"
  until $CMD
    sleep 1

Now you can run “rpt” to repeat the latest command until it succeeds.


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