Telegram’s description of DDoS attack is the best

The servers of Telegram, a popular instant messenger, were under a DDoS attack recently. While they were working on the problem, they’ve tweeted a couple of explanations of what’s going on. CNET brings those tweets to our attention, as they explain rather complex things in a very short and simple way.

Internet Trends 2019 (Bond Report)

Internet Trends 2019 report is the most comprehensive, detailed, and research document that I have ever seen on what’s going on with the Internet, web, mobile, social media, marketing, and security.

This year’s report spans 333 pages and is full charts, graphs, statistics, insights, and references. And if you are feeling nostalgic, there is an archive of the annual reports going all the way back to 1995.

It’s difficult to pick a single fact from such a huge document, but if I had to, I’d go with this:

51% of the global population, or 3.8 billion people, were Internet users last year.

Wow. That’s quite a crowd.

Via Slashdot.

Top 20 APIs You Should Know In AI and Machine Learning

If you are playing around with the artificial intelligence and machine learning, have a look at this list of “Top 20 APIs You Should Know In AI and Machine Learning“. These are nicely organized by subject as well:

Machine Learning and Prediction APIs

APIs for Face Detection and Face Recognition

Text Analysis and Natural Language Processing APIs

Unraveling the JPEG

It always amazes me how little do we know about everyday things around us. Today I came across “Unraveling the JPEG” article, which is a deep dive into the JPEG format. JPEG images all around us, but how much do we really now about them? I bet you even the most technical web developers and designers will have their hands full with this, let alone all the non-technical people who snap selfies on a daily basis.

Not only the article itself dives into the technical details, but it also provides an inline JPEG editor, which you can use to play around with the data and see how it affects things. Great job! – practical project management framework

When it comes to project management, there are many certifications, guidelines, and suggestions all over the web. But it’s often difficult to pick the right one. Some are overly complicated. Others are too simplistic and don’t cover even the whole project lifespan., however, looks good. It covers the project management process from the early days, when it’s not even clear if the project will proceed at all, to the tasks that need to happen after the project has been fully completed. The whole flow consists of 37 activities in 7 sections, with each one of the activities being well documented and explained.

This one is definitely worth a try. Especially if you ever felt like this: