Using CloudFoundation to Build, Manage, and Deploy CloudFormation Templates

J Cole Morrison has this rather lengthy blog post on how to use CloudFoundation to simplify and automate the management of your Amazon AWS cloud infrastructure.  AWS CloudFormation is a great tool, but it gets complex real fast with larger setups, so CloudFoundation comes to the rescue.

Immutable Deployment @ Quorum

Immutable Deployment @ Quorum” describes yet another approach to automated, and this case – immutable, deployments.  This particular setup is slightly more on the SysAdmin/DevOps side rather than on the development side, utilizing tools like Ansible, Amazon EC2, and Amazon AMI.

If you are building very few projects, or projects with little variations, and use a whole instance for the project, than you should definitely check it out.  For those people who work with a zoo of technologies and share the server between several projects, this approach probably won’t work so well.  Unless it is adjusted to use containers instead of instances, but even then, it’ll probably won’t be optimal.

How JavaScript works: the mechanics of Web Push Notifications

“How JavaScript works” is a series of articles on SessionStack, describing some of the lesser known bits and pieces of JavaScript.  One particular chapter that caught my attention is “The Mechanics of Web Push Notifications“.

Push and notification are two different APIs.

  • Push — it is invoked when the server supplies information to a Service Worker.
  • Notification — this is the action of a Service Worker or a script in a web app that shows information to the user.

Botman – framework agnostic PHP library to build chat bots

Botman is a framework agnostic library for building your own chat bots in PHP.  With the same chat bot logic you can connect to a variety of chat services like HipChat, Slack, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts and a variety of others (just search for “botman/driver” on Packagist).  You can also build your own drivers for the services which are currently not supported (can’t think of one top of my head), or simply integrate it with your website.

I came across this library via this article.

Handling Amazon SNS messages with PHP, Lumen and CloudWatch

Gonzalo Ayuso throws a few snippets of code in the blog posts title “Handling Amazon SNS messages with PHP, Lumen and CloudWatch“, which shows how to work with Amazon SNS (Simple Notifications Service) and Amazon CloudWatch (cloud and network monitoring solution) from PHP.  The examples are based on the Lumen micro-framework, which is basically a stripped down Laravel.