UI Museum: Norton Commander 5.0

Norton Commander

Ilya Birman has a massive blog post “UI Museum: Norton Commander 5.0” with almost 60 screenshots (!!!) and user interface feature descriptions of Norton Commander – an icon tool that was used by a whole generation of PC users in the DOS and early Windows era.

Norton Commander was so popular that is spawned a number of other projects that brought similar functionality to other operating systems (Midnight Commander for Linux), later versions of Windows (Far, Total Commander), and even other file management tools (FileZilla, CutFTP) and more.

Good old times…

Clean Code SOLID principles applied to PHP

clean-code-php is an excellent set of examples for the SOLID principles as applied to PHP programming:

Software engineering principles, from Robert C. Martin’s book Clean Code, adapted for PHP. This is not a style guide. It’s a guide to producing readable, reusable, and refactorable software in PHP.

Not every principle herein has to be strictly followed, and even fewer will be universally agreed upon. These are guidelines and nothing more, but they are ones codified over many years of collective experience by the authors of Clean Code.

Inspired from clean-code-javascript

TNTSearch – a fully featured full text search engine written in PHP

TNTSearch – a fully featured full text search engine written in PHP.  Here’s also a blog post that shows how to use it with the Laravel framework.  Which shouldn’t be too difficult to adjust for any other PHP framework.

Integrated Package for better testing in CakePHP

Viraj Khatavkar wrote this blog post showing how to use Integrated Package for better testing in CakePHP.  Testing in general is not a simple subject, so anything to assist with it is very very welcome.

I’m sure we’ll be trying it at work in the next week or two.