How we designed our Kubernetes infrastructure on AWS

How we designed our Kubernetes infrastructure on AWS” is a case study of how Atlassian (the kind people behind BitBucket, HipChat, Jira, and a few other popular tools) setup their infrastructure on Amazon AWS.

With all the popularity of the cloud in general and AWS in particular, there is still not enough articles like this one.

Botwiki – an open catalog of friendly, useful, artistic online bots

Botwiki is an impressive collection of bots for a variety of social networks and collaboration tools – Twitter, Slack, Tubmlr, Facebook and Messenger, YouTube, Reddit, Telegram, Snapchat, and more.  You can browse all these by network or by category.

Here’s a random Twitter bot for you:

@holidaybot4000 is a Twitter bot that tweets holidays around the world for the given day, typically together with an image of the country’s flag.

50 Things You [Probably] Forgot To Design

50 Things You [Probably] Forgot To Design” is a collection of all those tiny (and not so tiny) details that are often left out during the design process for a website, web application, or mobile app.  It covers a variety of bits from favicons to login forms, splash screens, pagination, and welcome emails.

If you only it was available now as a checklist …