Language Detection Library for PHP

patrickschur/language-detection – is a language detection library for PHP, which detects the language from a given text string.  Now, a bit more detailed:

This library can detect the language of a given text string. It can parse given training text in many different idioms into a sequence of N-grams and builds a database file in JSON format to be used in the detection phase. Then it can take a given text and detect its language using the database previously generated in the training phase. The library comes with text samples used for training and detecting text in 106 languages.

I tried it briefly with a few languages that I can master a phrase or two in, and it works better with some than with others.  Greek was good, Russian not so much.

Hopefully, the sample data used for training will improve over time, but it’s definitely a good start.

Via this blog post.


Design Patterns for Humans

Design Patterns for Human is an excellent effort to explain design patterns in plain words and simple examples.

Design patterns are solutions to recurring problems; guidelines on how to tackle certain problems. They are not classes, packages or libraries that you can plug into your application and wait for the magic to happen. These are, rather, guidelines on how to tackle certain problems in certain situations.

This collection is useful both for novices who are just trying to figure out what design patterns are and how to use them, and experienced developers who need a quick reminder once in a while.  Shorter than a book, simpler than Wikipedia.

WordPress Plugin : WP-CFM – manage and deploy WordPress configuration changes

WP-CFM is a WordPress plugin which helps to manage and deploy WordPress configuration changes between different sites.  I haven’t tried it myself yet, but it looks super useful as it allows to separate the configuration options from the content, both of which are stored in the database.  The cherry on top here is the support for WP-CLI, command line interface to WordPress, which is frequently employed for automatically deploying WordPress to different servers and environments.

I have a feeling this plugin will be making its way into our project-template-wordpress setup pretty soon.