Documenter v2

I came across a very handy tool for writing quick and simple documentation – Documenter v2.


It provides a quick and simple web interface to handle document meta information (titles, subtitles, author, created and updated dates, etc), sections, styles, extra buttons, and more.  You can also download and save the results, as well as continue where you left off later.

vimrcfu – shared knowledge of vimrc

Dear all contributors to vimrcfu,

thank you very much for all my sleepless nights this week.  I’ve almost forgot how my bed looks like.  On the other hand, I’ve learned a tonne and have significantly rearranged my vimrc and related files, expanding it with new bits and pieces.

The sleep I can get back.  The awesome features of Vim at my fingertips now – couldn’t have happened without you.

You rock!

Best regards,

yours truly.

Do you know YAML?

I thought I did.  Especially after all the hours spent with Ansible.  Turns out I don’t.  I have a very limited understanding of the YAML format.  How do I know that, you ask?  Well, that’s because I am reading the YAML specification now.


Holy Molly that’s an interesting format!  Much recommended weekend reading.