RedBeanPHP – a lightweight, configuration-less ORM library for PHP
Month: December 2013
This is dog crap!
Cyprus Mail reports:
DOG owners who walk their pets but don’t clean up after it is an increasing problem within the Nicosia municipality, which has launched an awareness campaign on the issue.
The campaign is titled: ‘Behind each dog we are looking for a responsible citizen not an uncaring owner’.
As part of the effort, municipal workers are visiting parks handing out flyers and plastic bags to people walking their dog.
And this made me so happy I’m not a dog owner:
Not cleaning after a dog can lead to a fine of €1,700 and/or up to 12 months in jail.
On a serious note, they are right of course. I don’t know how bad it is in Nicosia, but I’ve seen plenty of dog owners in Limassol that just walk away from the steaming pile of crap their dog just left in the middle of the street.
Chuck Norris is still The Man!
A few weeks ago, one of the Volvo trucks’ ads went viral. It was the Jean Claud Van Damme split video which now has more than 60,000,000 views and numerous parodies. Here it is:
Nicely done indeed, but the Internet knows that no matter how cool you are, Chuck Norris is The Man. No matter what you do, he beat you down with your own coolness, and make understand how small, unimportant, and irrelevant you are. And the above video was clearly a challenge. True fans never doubted Chuck Norris for a second though. And now, The Man delivers the answer in the form of this video:
Truly epic! Move along Jean Claud, join the army of those who tried and miserably failed. Chuck Norris is still The Man!
P.S.: If you don’t know why Chuck Norris is so cool, check these top 50 facts about him. There are more on the same website.
SpinKit – spinners animated with CSS
SpinKit – spinners animated with CSS
View the demo here.