- I love the smell of filtered coffee in the morning. #
- Shared: The art of the animated gif http://bit.ly/duelzN #
- How often do you get to see naked hardware these days? http://twitpic.com/35tmtv #
- Bookmarked: Notifications in Fedora 14 http://bit.ly/bhlj1p #
- I love our new Internet connection in the office. Torrent DVD download takes less than 10 minutes. That's 21st century in my book. #
Year: 2010
Screencasting in Linux
I came across an excellent tutorial on how to do screencasts in Linux. Â The original article is in Russian, so I just grabbed the important bits and translated them below.
- Install screencast recording application. Â recordmydekstop is available via yum install recordmydesktop and comes with a simple and straight-forward interface for both KDE and Gnome.
- Record a screencast.
- If you want to edit the screencast (cut out mistakes, add music, etc), install a video editor. Â These came recommended: Pitivi, Kino, Kdenlive.
- Edit your screencast.
- Convert to AVI if needed (recommended before uploading to video hosting services, such as YouTube, as they don’t always work well with Ogg). Â ffmpeg -i screencast.ogv screencast.avi should do it. Â ffmpeg is also available in most distributions. Â You can play more with parameters, or prepare the video during the editing stage.
- Upload the video and share.
This is the kind of a guide that I need once in a while, but which I can’t seem to find when I need it. Â Hopefully now that I have it blogged, it’ll come handy.
Day in brief
- Beautiful morning. Unfortunately no sign of the upcoming winter. #
- Shared: Install Android 2.2 Froyo on your jailbroken iPhone 3G over-the-air with Bootlace http://bit.ly/9w6q0u #
- Shared: Apache Declares War On Oracle Over Java http://bit.ly/cEBjRJ #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Speedflying in Wengen 2010 http://youtu.be/UwWLnaME0CI?a #
- I favorited a YouTube video — WILLIAM SPENCER-HOLLARADO! http://youtu.be/BT_45XGhE1o?a #
- Car termometer shows +30C outside. Some November… #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Millimetres Matter http://youtu.be/Y6nshKhqyqU?a #
- Follow @longreads if you like reading long, well written articles from across the web. Some awesome stuff there. Not enough time. :) #
- I don't even know how to retweet the long cat, so here you go with a screenshot. http://twitpic.com/35lbrq #
- About to teach my kid how to bust baddies in NFS Hot Persuit Demo. This way I can buy the full game for him for Christmas. #
- Yeah, parental control is for lousy parents. :) #
Day in brief
- I got an email from Google recruiter again. I failed miserably with my previous two attempts. Wondering if I should try or give up now. #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Harum Scarum Printers – Dot matrix printer music – Nesem… http://youtu.be/NcmP6fzj2KM?a #
- My pension age is not up until 2043! This fact just thew me into a deep depression. I need Plan B, as I'm not even sure I'll live that long. #
- Bookmarked: AIS Dispatcher – Linux version http://tinyurl.com/2c359wm #
- Bookmarked: PrimeTel speed test http://tinyurl.com/24qlrne #
- Bookmarked: XE – World Currency Symbols http://tinyurl.com/2dcjs74 #
- Bookmarked: Hellenic NetBanking for Personal http://tinyurl.com/287rlaa #
- Bookmarked: What Page of Google Am I On? http://tinyurl.com/2bmxeu6 #
- I am now pushing all my public Delicious bookmarks to Twitter automatically, using http://twitterfeed.com/ #
- Shared: LHC generates a mini Big Bang http://bit.ly/cYlDeo #
- Added 'tweet' tag to my Google Reader, made the feed public, and added it to TwitterFeed. This way I can selectively tweet shared items. #
- Twitter is my social glue.I want it to have an update from social activity,so that it ends up blogged in the daily digest via Twitter Tools. #
- Bookmarked: twitterfeed.com : feed your blog to twitter http://twitterfeed.com/ #
- I wish I had better tools to integrate Google Buzz with my blog, my social networks, and my non-iPhone/non-Android/non-Blackberry phone. #
- Shared: Microsoft's new slogan gets official http://bit.ly/94pqyH #
- Bookmarked: lagger – Project Hosting on Google Code http://bit.ly/aw6ZW7 #
- Bookmarked: PHP Console – Google Chrome extension gallery http://bit.ly/cN31fF #
- My boss smokes at work all day long… http://twitpic.com/35e5vr #
Happy 6th birthday, Firefox!
Download Squad reminds us that it has only been 6 years that Firefox is with us. Â That’s true, but I find it so hard to believe. Â What was the web experience before Firefox came along? Â I remember that Firefox made it way better, but I don’t really remember how bad it was before that. Â And even though I spend most of these days using Google Chrome, I clocked thousands of hours in Firefox and it is almost like a relative to me.
Happy birthday dear browser! Best wishes and may you continue to improve, especially now that you have some competition to get you going.